The Show: Chapter 7

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first of all I'm incredibly sorry I haven't been uploading when I know I should be but I just REALLY needed the break from writing. I have finals next week and after that I should be regularly and finally finish this book and start another :) 

on another side note, I swear if one more person comments 

"omg if you dont upload I'm gonna stop reading ur book"

I'm gonna scream, sorry I don't have enough time to upload like I would like but now I really want to upload more

AND thanks for those who have stuck by my side and are reading this

if you comment that you've stayed by my side I'll dedicate chapters to you...please be honest!! 

finally let's read shall we.......

Chapter 7

**Nikki's P.O.V***

The plane landed in Atlanta and I finally breathed in fresh air. Hopefully no one knew I was here but knowing Lauren and Jacob, they already knew and were headed here. I pushed them to the far back of my mind, I wasn't going to worry about them today. 

I was greeted by silence and shy glances. No one was screaming my name or rushing towards me with over sized cameras. I smiled largely, getting weird looks. I didn't care, this was just so beautiful. 

I made my way to the airport exit and hailed down a cab. I knew exactly where I was going, I knew this town like the back of my mind. 

****Jake's P.O.V.****

I sat uncomfortably with Lauren, Nikki's manager, and in a freaking middle class seat. I was not happy with these seats, I'm next to this lady who has a snoring problem and Lauren's on her blackberry bbm-ing who the hells knows. 

I shifted in my seat and grumbled to myself, Lauren shot me the meanest glare and I shut up, no need to get on her bad side also.

I shifted in what I little space I had to try to be comfortable. I feel asleep and grumbled to myself because I knew for sure when I woke up I was going to have a horrible head ache and neck pains.

Before sleep could take over my body, Lauren was nudging my arm.

I cursed her out in my mind before fake smiling at her, I mean I of of course had to get on her good side to get back with Nikki, and said

"Yes Lauren?"

Lauren rolled her eyes and said,

"You can stop smiling out of your ass now, getting close to me won't do anything. We need a plan to get Nikki's skinny ass back home on the same plane with us."

I sighed, 

"Like hell, I don't know. For God's sake, we're on a plane to fucking Georgia. They're probably all about sweet tea and pie."

{A/N I'm from Georgia, nothing like making fun of your own state}

Lauren's eyebrows furrowed and she scowled at me before realization dawned onto her face. She whispers excitedly,

"I know exactly where we're going! Damn, I didn't think about it earlier but now that you said that I know where Nikki's trying to hide out at."

I smile largely, I was finally going to get my girl.

***Nikki's P.O.V.***

I sighed happily and ran up to the old, white, Victorian manor. I knocked on the screen door rapidly.

A male voice yelled from behind the door,

"I swear if it's you Nikki after all these years I'll scream!"

I can't help but smile and yell back,

"Is this how you greet everyone of your visitors?!  Open up!"

The man behind the door opened up the door, his large brown eyes widening while taking in my airplane slept in clothes and no makeup. I probably was uglier than my third grade school picture.

Shawn yelled,


before taking me up into a large hug.

He kissed the top of my head before saying.

"What in Jesus' name brings you back here before the big show! You have less than a week or so don't you?"

I smiled and sighed deeply into his hug and said,

"I just needed to come home, to take a break it was getting too crazy back there."

We took a step back from embracing and a few tear started to build up in my eyes. 

My voice cracking,

"Shawn, I don't think I'm cut out for modeling anymore, I think I'm officially done."

"Oh Nikki, why would you say that? Come inside I'll get your bags and go change we're going out to eat."

He led me into the house and I smiled as I saw pictures of his family placed everywhere, I even laughed at a few, where it appeared that his kids put cake all over his face. 

I sighed, this is what I wanted. A family and someone to come home too and not a dog, even though I love my pup so much, I wanted to be married and have kids already. 

Shawn said,

"They're the best, they make living worth while. One day Nikki you'll have your own but not yet you have to finish your career with a bang not a temper tantrum, alright?"

I nodded and said,

"You're right, but I'm still not so sure I want to go back at all not even to finish."

Shawn looked down for a moment before looking up and saying with a smile,

"Don't worry about it right now, let's get you settled upstairs, watch out for toys and such especially the legos, they hurt like hell when stepped on."

He chuckled and continued to walk through a hallway at the top of the stairs and sure enough I stepped on a few legos.

Today was looking slightly brighter and I knew Shawn and his family would help me out this situation.




I'll upload as soon as Thursday :-)

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