Chapter 29

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    A burning feeling spread throughout my whole body and I actually liked it. I instantly became weak and went limp in his arms. My neck felt like it was on fire and the feeling was indescribable. I heard Lucas growl against my neck and it sent tingles throughout my body. A warmth came over me that felt to me like a fire on a cold day. Lucas pulled away and the warmth was instantly weakened and replaced with tiredness. I was so tired. My eyes began to close from pleasure and exhaustion. Lucas noticed and chuckled.
"Man, I didn't know it would have this effect on you." He said before picking me up and sitting down in the floor. He rested his back against the couch and I laid in his lap, with his arms around me.
"I'm so tired." I yawned and tried to keep my eyes open. Lucas chuckled and kissed my head.
"If you're tired, then just sleep. I don't mind. Hopefully it takes affect when you wake up." He said. I was confused on what he meant by that but I just ignored it. I was too tired to worry about what that meant.
"I don't know what you mean by that. But I don't care. I'm going to sleep." I said and closed my eyes. I heard him chuckle and move around a bit.
"Night, babe." He said and then kissed my head again. "Now, you're all mine. And everyone will know it." I then heard the game be resumed and I smiled slightly before I fell asleep.


I woke up feeling...different. I don't know how but I just felt different than I had been feeling. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around at my surroundings. I was still in the same place I had been when I had fallen asleep. In the game room, in Lucas' lap with his arms around me. He had fallen asleep playing video games, I'm guessing from the controller hanging loosely in his hand. I looked up and smiled at how cute he looked when he was sleeping. But then my mean and playful side came out and I got an idea on how to wake him up.
I grabbed the controller and began to play on a new file. I lost and began to rage.
"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! I DID THAT RIGHT! THIS GAME IS FUCKED UP!" I yelled and threw the controller. Lucas jumped as soon as I started yelling and looked around, scared.
"God, Emerald! What the hell?" He asked. I smiled sweetly and then looked at the TV screen in annoyance.
"That game has shit controls!" I exclaimed, flipping the television off. He chuckled and shook his head.
"You seem to be feeling better." He said with a smile. Actually, now that I think about it, I'm not numb anymore. I can feel things. I smiled and looked at him.
"Yeah, I am. I'm not numb anymore. But what I am wanting to know, is why you felt the need to mark me yesterday." I said, confused. He chuckled.
"I thought that maybe if I marked you, you would start to feel things again. From what the other marked female wolves say, it gives you a lot of happiness and it's the happiest you have ever been when your mate marks you. So I thought it might work. And I know it did now." He explained. I laughed and hugged his torso.
"I don't feel like a vegetable anymore." I said. He laughed and hugged me back.
"I'm glad. But I just want you to know, that I didn't mean any of the things I said in the shelter. I was just angry about it. But I forgive you for letting him go and I understand completely." He said. I felt a pang of guilt in my chest when he said he understood. Should I tell him? Or not. I'm sure he knows about it. Actually, no one talks about it anymore and I doubt that he has ever heard about it. Then again, he has a lot of stress with the ceremony coming up so maybe I should just wait. Yeah, I'll wait.
"Thank you. I'm sorry about making myself faint like that. I was just going crazy. And I'll be right back." I said, getting up and walking towards the door.
"Where are you going?" He asked.
"To apologize to your mom about breaking her vase." I said and left the game room, going down the stairs and into the kitchen. Christy was, of course, in there cleaning the countertops.
"Um, Christy?" I asked. She looked over to me and smiled.
"Hey Em, did you need something?" She asked but Dom came in before I could say sorry to her. She saw him and glared, crossing her arms across her chest. I looked between the two, the tension in the air rising.
"I know, I know. I'm sorry! Okay? I didn't know that that vase was your favorite one! I said I was sorry!" Dom pleaded. I almost started laughing, but I held it in, watching the scene unfold in front of me.
"That was the only one in this entire household that had purple flowers AND wolves! That was my favorite one! Where am I supposed to put the irises now?!" She yelled at him. I slowly backed out of the room and disappeared around the corner.
"Emerald was the one who broke it! Why am I getting in trouble?!" Dom exclaimed.
"Because you were the one who took it out there in the first place! You were planning on her breaking it and you didn't even think to ask me first?!" She yelled back as I ran up the stairs, bumping into Cade. He smirked and threw me over his shoulder before I could protest.
"CADE! PUT ME DOWN!" I yelled and pounded on his back. He laughed and kept walking.
"Where are you taking me?!" I asked.
"We're all playing ball. And the guys want you to play with us. Layla doesn't want to so we had to have you to get Lucas to play." He said and walked out the door, heading for the football field. I sighed and mumbled a 'fine'.
Once we got out there, he took me off his shoulder and set me down on the ground. I looked around and saw all of the guys out there, waiting to play. Lucas saw me and smiled. I smiled back and looked to the side. Layla was sitting on the grass, getting ready to watch the game.
"Why won't Layla play?" I asked Cade. He sighed.
"She doesn't want to. Something about being scared that I will tackle her for no reason." He said and rolled his eyes.
"It's because I know you will!" She yelled and I laughed. Cade rolled his eyes and shook his head before running over to her and tackling her on the grass. They both laughed and the guys groaned.
"Come on! Let's play already!" Ryan yelled and threw the ball up in the air. I smirked and held it there with my ability.
"Oh seriously Em?! That isn't funny!" He whined. I laughed and dragged the ball over to Colt who wasn't looking. I made it fall and hit him on his head, he fell down and rubbed his head as I laughed.
"No, Emerald! No cheating!" Lucas yelled to me. I smiled innocently and batted my eyelashes.
"I'm sorry." I said in a sweet voice. He smiled and shook his head.
"You are a piece of work." He said and grabbed the ball. "Alright! Let's play!" He announced and we all got together to make up the teams. I was on Cade's team because he knew that I had some football skills but Lucas was on the other team. Some girlfriend, and boyfriend competition. Sounds good to me.
During the game, Layla got Cade's attention a few times and got him tackled by the other team. She was doing it on purpose. I used my ability on the other team even if I wasn't allowed to. I made it unnoticeable, though. We ended up winning and got our trophy. The trophy was actually one of Christy's wine glasses that we had painted gold and filled it up with skittles. Hopefully she never found out about it. West went over to get the trophy but frowned at it when he picked it up. Uh-oh.
"Hey! Someone ate all of the skittles!" He said, looking at the other team. Aaron and I looked at each other and slowly started backing away into the woods. No one noticed until Aaron stepped on a twig, snapping it. They all snapped their heads over to us and glared.
"Aaron..." I trailed off, still backing up. He gulped.
"Y-yeah?" He asked.
"Run." I said and we both took off into the woods, shifting and running in wolf form. We could hear the thud of the other's paws hitting the ground behind us so we knew that we were getting chased.
Follow me. I said to Aaron and saw him nod. I turned a corner and looked back to make sure Aaron was following me. He was and I could barely see the rest of the guys following.
After many zig zags and twists later, we arrived back at the house. We went into separate bushes and changed into the clothes that we had left out in the woods for occasions like this. We came out and were panting.
"I think we lost them." I said and began to walk back to the house. We got into the living room and flopped down onto the couches.
"Emerald...Aaron..." I heard Christy trail off in a warning tone. My eyes shot open and Aaron and I were on our feet in a matter of seconds.
"Y-yeah?" I asked. She glared at the two of us then brought her hand out from behind her back.
"Care to explain why one of my wine glasses is painted gold with the smell of skittles in it?" She asked. I shared a look with Aaron before nodding again.
"Run again?" He asked. I nodded.
"Yep." I said and we bolted out of the door and almost ran into the others.
"Definitely run." I said and we bolted off back into the woods, running for our lives, yet again.  

Emerald (Previously "Bad Girl's Mate")Where stories live. Discover now