Up10tion Kuhn ( 2 )

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"Oppa where're you going?"

"I need to go to Wei's house because we need to done our school project.. Mianhae ~"

"But how about the movie?"

"go watch it with Kuhn... Bye~"

He quickly open the door and leave.

I sat back on the couch and look at the clock it's already 6.00 p.m. Should I call the other?

I pick my phone and try to call the other. Why there's no one answer me ..? aishh... The only name contact that I saw is Kuhn oppa. Without thinking I call him.


"Kuhn oppa, do you want to watch movie with me?"

"ah~ I heard that Kogyeol at Wei's house to make their school project. Hurmm... Okay~"

"Gumawo oppa~"

I quickly get into my bedroom and change with a white simple Tee , blue jeans and black converse shoes that Kogyeol oppa give me last year.

"Oppa!" I wave my hand to Kuhn who is sitting at the bus stop.

"eo~ y/n-ah.."

Once again he stood and looking at me.

"is there's anything?"

He shook his head and smile.

"amudo eobseo.. gaja~" I noded and follow him.

"Haishh..! Andwae!!" I keep scream. Haish! Why Kogyeol oppa choose this movie?! It's too scary. I try to pull my eyes from not watch it.

"y/n-ah... gwenchana?" slowly I open my eyes and look at kuhn and noded. He smiled. The weird thing that I always feel when he's smiling. My heart keep beat fast when I saw his smile.

"y/n look!"

"eo?" I look at the screne and the ghost appered make me scream again and hug his arm. Haish! This is so embressed!

Kuhn POV

I laugh a bit. She's so cute.

"Mian... Kuhn oppa"

I shook and pouted "aniyo~ it's ok... you can hug my arm or me..." I chuckle make she punch my arm.

"appa! y/n-ah I'm sorry... haha"

"I know ! take that hahaha"

the movie end so fast. ! Next~ Cafe .

"Number 22"

I stand up and brought two cup of coffee to our sit.

"Here your coffee" I hand the coffee to her and sit face her.

"Ahh~ The Aroma~" She drinks her coffee.

"gumawo oppa~ hehe... It's fun hang with you for the first time"

I just smile and suddenly my eyes stop at her lips.

"Oppa wae? is there's something on my lips?" She tried to wip it but I grab her hand.

"eo?" she look into my eyes curiosly.

"don't use your hand." I quickly kiss her lips slightly. Her face looks so shocked.

"there's no bubble on your lips anymore" I tried to look away.

"k..kuhn...oppa... "

I tried to relax myself but my face keep turning red.

"aigoo...aigoo... it's 9.00 p.m. already... should we go another place?"

She just noded and finished her drinks.

"palli I want to brought you somewhere" I grab her hand and drag her from back without letting her hand go.

Finally ... the last place that I had plan with the others. The playground where's no one there.

"Oppa... why we're here?"

"Y/n-ah... Mianhae about that morning at school. Mianhae because make you scared when we're watch movie and mianhae about that kiss.."

"but why? oppa it's okay..."

"Because ... " I make her face  more closer to me. I grab her neck and close my eyes. "I like you y/n... " Pressing my lips to her lips make his eyes open wide. I pulled the kiss.

"Mianhae for kiss your innocent lips"

"o..oppa... " suddenly she hug me and said " nado... oppa... thank you for make me wake up and realise that I like you too... kuhn oppa"

I don't know how to react. I just smile. She pulled the hug and look at me.

"I already ask Kogyeol and Kogyeol said he letting you to date and being my yeojachingu. will you ?"

She shook make my heart break.


"Promise me that you will never date or kissing other girl!~"

Her word make me smile again. "Nae! Promise!" I grab her hand. "gaja... it's already 10.13 p.m. " She noded and smile.

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