Chaos rising

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I can't believe that I actually ended up writing the second chapter. I seem to have problems with continuing things. Anyways, here comes the next chapter of Hall of Shadows.

Jack was terrified of what he'd seen a minute ago. He rode along with the blowing wind, back towards the North Pole. The picture of a dead, frozen girl was galloping in his head and he couldn't shake it off. That was his doing. He closed his heavy eyelids and took in a deep breath. North Pole was already ahead. He needed to calm down.

"What?" North's voice echoed through the whole building.

Seemed like he didn't quite believe what Jack had seen and told him.

"It's like I said. I went there, looked all around the town and bumped into this girl - or I don't know what it was - but she attacked me and I didn't have a choice!" Jack's voice was a lot louder now. He had hard time explaining all the things he saw.

"Jack, I don't understand what you're saying right now. A zombie-like girl with no eyes? Are you sure you were not hallucinating?" Tooth was no more talking to her fairies. Concentrating on this serious conversation was everyone's priority at the moment.

"I couldn't be more sure!" Jack almost yelled, and swung his hand in the air, "... but she grabbed my leg and shove her nails into it." He rolled up his pant leg again, and showed the wound. "Do you believe me now?"

It was as black as before, and it made others sniff at. It was clear that the infection had already started spreading, but Jack tried to shake the idea off.

"Eww... what is that?" Bunny finally decided to open up his mouth. He leaped closer towards Jack, and peered at the laceration from a smaller distance. He didn't want any contact with it, however.

"I have no clue. When she pressed her nails deeper into my skin, it started going black. Like rotten", Jack explained, and turned his eyes back to North.

The man with a white beard looked more than horrified. His eyes were almost as big as plates, when he stared at Jack's wound.

"North?" the boy with the frozen hair was worried.

"Jack. Are you sure you're okay? Have you seen anything suspicious yet?" North questioned, and Jack couldn't help but be confused.

"Suspicious? What do you-", he had no time to complete his sentence, as North grabbed his shoulders and looked straight into his eyes.

"Your wound. Does it hurt anymore?" his dead serious face kind of scared Jack. He had never seen North this way.

"No it doesn't, but what are you trying to say?" Jack asked, shoving North's hands off of his shoulders. He was more worried as the look in North's face turned more terrified.

"Jack. If... when you see something suspicious, you have to tell me about it. Don't keep anything a secret as long as I tell you not to", North compelled like Jack wouldn't have a choice.

North insisted that Jack should stay overnight at the pole as long as he would say that it's okay to leave. He didn't like the idea, but thought it would be better not to make a fuss about it. It was almost like Jack had no control over his own decisions. He knew he was sick. North seemed like he knew what was going on, however, and Jack thought it would be for the better to let him take care of whatever it is that's wrong with him.

He laid on one of the beds in the room he's supposed to live in for the next few days. Or perhaps more.

Jack could hear all the yetis and elves making noise from behind the door of the room. They seemed to be in a hurry, as if there was something that needed to be taken care of right now. He closed his eyes, and let himself fall asleep.

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