Chapter 1

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*Reign's POV*

I woke up to the sound of pots and pans banging in the kitchen.

I groaned and checked my phone. 10:50 AM. I got out of bed, put my hair in a bun and went to the kitchen.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Isabela Reign. I prefer to just be called Reign. I'm 17 years old and I live in New Jersey, with one of my best friends. Her name is Shayne, and she's 20. Anyways, I am an Allstar Cheerleader, and I'm spending my last year of being able to cheer at World Cup. I am on Shooting Stars, the well know, all girl, level five team. Because of this, I have a pretty decent amount of followers on social media, and I'm know as a "Cheerlebrity".

"Hey Rey! We're getting new neighbors today!"

"How do you know?"

"Trust me, I know everything." Shayne said, and well that's true. She knows pretty much everything about everyone. "Rumor has it it's a guy around our age."

"Ooooo, well I have to get ready for practice." I said and went back into my room. I put on black Nike Pros and a gold sports bra that said "wcss" on it. I put my hair in a high pony with a poof and grabbed my black Nfinity bag.

Practice was long and hard, but I somehow managed to survive. As I was walking back to my apartment, I noticed some boxes at the room right across the street from ours. I shrugged and knocked on the door of my apartment, knowing Shayne was there. Sure enough, she opened the door. But, she wasn't alone. There was a tall, brown haired boy standing in our kitchen. Shayne must've realized I was kind of kind of confused.

"Oh, that's Will. He moved in right across from us."

I smiled and said "Hey Will, my name's Reign."

"Hello there Reign" I noticed that when he spoke, he seemed to have an accent.

He must've realized what I was thinking, because he said, "I just moved here from the U.K."

"Oooooh! Nice to meet you. Well, I'm gonna go shower now because in case neither of you have noticed, I'm really sweaty."

"Alright, well I guess I have to leave now too. I need to get all of my stuff into my house by tonight."

"Oh, Reign and I can help you!" Shayne blurted out. It's natural for her to want to help everyone, and she's always in a good mood. Always.

"You guys don't have too, Reign's going to go shower and I don't want her to get sweaty again."

"Oh no, trust me. She can help before she goes and showers."

Will looked at me. I just smiled. "Alright, I guess you can if you want to."


We finished helping Will get his place set up, and he offered to get us dinner for our help. Shayne was about to say no thanks, when I said, "Ooooo what kind of dinner?" We discussed all the different food options around the area and settled on some pizza. We were all talking about what we were interested in, when Shayne's phone rang. "Hello?" "Wait, what?" "Are you serious?" "I'm on my way." She had such a serious look on her face. I've never seen her not smiling before. Even when she cried, she was smiling.

"I have to go. Something happened to my brother. I'll try to be back as soon as I can, but I doubt it'll be soon. You'll be okay without me Reign, right?"

I nodded. She left, leaving me, Will, and a pizza all alone.

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