Chapter 2

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*Reign's POV*

After Shayne left, there was an awkward silence.

"So, um, what are you planning on doing while you're here?" I asked.

"Well, I'd like to just hang around and enjoy the nature while I'm here. Everything is really pretty around here."

I smiled. "Maybe one day we can go to New York City. I've been there so many times, I know practically everything around there. You'd love it."

He smiled back and nodded as I spoke. "One day. I'd love to just walk around the city."

We were silent for a few moments. But this time it wasn't awkward. It was like we both just went into our own little worlds, thinking about the city.

Will's phone went off. He sighed.

"Sorry, it's one of my friends. I'll be right back."

I nodded and pulled out my phone. I decided to look at the pictures I was tagged in on instagram, liking some and leaving comments on others.

After about a minute or so, will walked back into the living room. I saw it was already 11:56, and I had practice in the morning again tomorrow.

"Hey Will, um, I have to go now, I have practice tomorrow morning and i don't want to be tired for it. My coach would kill me."

He laughed and said, "No worries. There's still a few pieces of pizza left if you'd like to take them back to your place, since you'll be all alone."

I smiled, grabbed the leftovers, thanked him, and left. I went straight to the shower and started thinking about Will. He was a very pretty boy, with (so far) a nice personality. He was funny and we seemed to be interested in some of the same things. I'd love to get to know him more, and hang out with him more. I got of the shower and headed to bed, thinking about tomorrow.
I woke up in the morning, forgetting that I was alone in the house. After about 10 minutes of looking for Shayne, I remembered that she had left. I brushed my teeth, did my hair, put on my practice outfit, and grabbed my belongings. I went out to my car and headed to practice.

Practice went okay, and before I knew it I was walking back into my apartment. I smiled, so glad to be home. I took my brown, kind of curly kind of wavy hair out of a ponytail. I changed into a pair of gray shorts and a pink, long sleeved sweater. The sweater fell of my right shoulder a little, and fit a little loosely. It was one of the comfiest thing I owned. I got my laptop and got started on some online schoolwork. After about two hours or so of straight school work, there was a knock on my door. I ran to the door and opened it to reveal Will standing there.

"Hey Reign. I was just about to go get lunch, when I realized I don't know anything around here. Would you want to come with me and help me figure out a nice place to eat?"

I smiled. "I'd love to! Give me like 5 minutes to change."

"Alright, sweet deal. Take your time."

"You can wait inside if you'd like."

He stepped inside and I ran to my room. I changed into a pair of light wash jeans skinny jeans and a pink UCA sweatshirt. I threw on my black vans and grabbed my wallet.

I walked back out to find Will on his phone. He looked up, and saw I was ready.

I smiled and said, "Want to take my car or walk? There's a nice little place that's about a mile from here I think we should go to."

"I wouldn't mind walking" he replied.

I nodded and headed out the door, with him following. I locked the door and we were off. We talked about things on the way there, like how I cheered and I could do a "backflip". He made me show him, and so I did one.

"I didn't know you were actually gonna do one on the cement."

I laughed a little. Then, someone walked up to will.

"Are you kiingtong?"

I looked at him. He smiled at the person and said, "Yup that's me."

"Can i get a picture?"

"Of course!"

I smiled and asked, "Would you like me to take it?"

The girl replied, "If you don't mind"

I took her phone from her and took multiple pictures.

"Thank you so much!"

She hugged Will and said to him, "Thank you for stopping. I love you and your videos so much. It's the only reason I haven't given up."

"Thank you so much for supporting me. I love you too, and please, never give up. You're such a great human."

She laughed and said bye to him, and then walked away.

"Kiingtong?" I asked.

"About that, you see I am a gamer, and I make youtube videos. My name on there is Kiingtong."

"That's so cool!" I said, and noticed we had made it to the little cafe.

"Looks like we're here!" I said, and we walked up to the door, getting a table for two.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2015 ⏰

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