Chapter 1

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My name is Jem Black. I am 16 years old, it's my 6th year at Hogwarts, School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I'm a Gryffindor I don't have many friends, I have my god brother Harry, Ron, Hermione, Luna, Neville, The twins Fred & George, Ginny, Cho, and even a few Slytherins.

But my enemy is Draco Malfoy, I heard rumors that he fancies me. I have to mentally gag every time I hear that kind of gossip. I'm not the girl who likes to be showered in expensive gifts, I love guys who actually show respect to their women.

But anyway, let's get on with the blasted story..


So I was walking back to the common room, when I felt a pair of sharp eyes rake up and down my body. I turned my head and saw none other than Draco Malfoy staring at me, the ghost of his smirk still left on his pale face. He was attractive in my opinion (Tell him that and I will choke you in your sleep) I rolled my eyes and walked quicker, I didn't even realize that I was swishing my hips more than usual. I just shrugged it off and continued walking.

I was in front of the fat lady and I walked up to her, "Hippogriff" I said, my light voice hanging in the silent air. The Fat Lady opened her door and I walked inside the common room and I saw Harry, Ron, and Hermione. I walked over and plopped down next to them. I took a pillow and dug my face deep in it.

I felt Harry draw soothing circles in my back. I groaned and sat up.

"What's got you knickers in a twist Jem?" Ron asked, I looked at him.

"Malfoy." that's all I said and they got the message. harry tightened his grip on the couch and Ron scowled at the mention of his name.

Hermione sighed, "What did he do this time?"

I groaned, "He wouldn't stop undressing me with his eyes." I said, I heard Harry give a growl deep in his throat. Ron gagged, and Hermione rolled her eyes.

I then got a wave of claustrophobia, I get them way more. I have to go up to the Astronomy Tower, to cool down.

I got up and nodded at Hermione and exited the common room. I began jogging up to the Astronomy Tower.

When I got to the steps that lead me to the top I rested my head against the door frame and I sighed and opened the door. I climbed the steps and stepped onto the hard ground and I walked over to the railing.

I felt the chilly wind whip through my red hair. I looked down and saw some students retreating to their common rooms. They were gonna go send letters to their parents and siblings, or go catch up on the latest gossip with their close friends. I will never be able to do that.

I let a single tear roll from my eye, as I relived the last memory I had of my dad.


I was battling Fenrir Greyback and I was no where near my dad. But I saw him and Harry battling Lucius and another deatheater. I managed to paralyze Greyback and I ran over to their aid. My dad stood in front of me and I fired hexes over their shoulders.

I saw Bellatrix Lestrange, land on one of the tall rocks. I heard the words come out of her mouth, but I wasn't looking. I was looking at my dad, I was really impressed with him and I was watching him fight.

I saw the sickly green bolt hit my daddy right in the chest. He turned and looked us both, he took my hand and gave it a final weak squeeze. He then fell back into the light coming from the grey passageway. He dissipated into thin air.

I remember feeling numb, I was screaming I felt strong feminine arms wrapped around me to keep me from doing something crazy. I knew it was Tonks but I kept pulling, I saw Harry was struggling against Lupin's grip.

Tonks grip weakened and I broke through her arms and took off towards the door Lestrange disappeared through.

I slammed the door open and charged after Bellatrix. I felt white hot blinding fury going through my brain. I didn't even know that Harry had fired an Unforgivable Curse at her. I just remember, flying on top of her and punching her multiple times in the face.

Until I was pulled off by Harry.

Flashback Over

I had tears streaming from my eyes as I squeezed them shut. I let out a whimper as I turned and slid down the railing and wrapped my arms around my knees and buried my head in them. I let out sob after sob, until my body wouldn't release anymore tears. I just sniffled and hiccuped as I thought of the light drifting from his light blue eyes.

I loved him so much, no I love him still. Just because their dead doesn't mean they're gone. I heard the door open downstairs and I panicked, I stood up and ran over behind a wall that was separating me from the person's view.

I heard their light footsteps coming up the steps, I heard the person breathing heavily. I heard them stop and rest against the railing. I peaked around the corner and saw Draco Malfoy standing there resting on the railing. He had his eyes closed but I saw tears streaming from his eyes.

Was he crying? The Draco Malfoy.. Crying? I wanted to make fun of him.. to get him back for all the times he's made me run down the corridors crying to my daddy who was gone.

But the other half of me wanted to rush over to him and comfort him, to tell him it's all going to be OK. I came out from the wall and quietly walked over to him.

"Draco?" I whispered, he whipped around and his agonized eyes turned hard and filled with false hatred.

"What do you want Black?" he asked, his normal tone coming into focus. I sighed and knew there was no hope in getting him to talk to me like a normal person. I pinched the bridge of my nose.

I only didn't like Draco because his dad was a death eater like my mom. Oh I hated my mum, but we both had so much in common. My aunt killed him, I hated him because he was related to her.

She killed my daddy. I then felt my eyes swimming with tears again. I bit my lip and I raised a hand and covered my mouth to prevent a sob from escaping.

I used my other hand and waved my hand away like I couldn't deal with his crap right now. And that's what I said,

"Draco, I can't deal with your crap right now.. Either you try or be nice, or I leave and I will never try and be nice to you again." I choked, I opened my eyes and tried to get rid of my blurry eye sight from all of the tears. They fell freely as I looked at Draco, his eyes had softened but he remained motionless.

"Go ahead, go tell the whole school how you saw the orphan crying. Exposing her vulnerable side to you. If you won't even look at me right, go tell your posse about how I'm a two faced nobody. Don't act like I'm deaf I can hear how you snicker to your friends. Insulting me being a half-blood." I turned away and began to walk away. I felt a light pull on my wrist, and I turned and saw Draco, eyes were glassy with the tears he wouldn't shed.

But it didn't matter, because for the first time. Since my father's death, I felt something new.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2015 ⏰

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