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my mom, dad and I walked down the city of Newyork. Queens to exact. I loved to explore the land of heros, as which they call Downtown in Newyork. My dad had the best job ever! He was a photographer. He always gets the greatest scoops. Where ever spider-man was, he was. And that's why Jameson pays him the big bucks.

So what people thinks.

My name is Anna 'May' Parker. Daughter of Spider-Man an Mary Jane Watson Parker.

My dad, or should I say, Peter whispered into my mom's ear. "I gotta go." He gave me a kiss on the cheek and sent my mom a picture of the the Rhino attacking Down somewhere.
"Bye daddy! Have a good day!" I yelled as he waved back. I was only 8 and I could only use My power at home In the basement. Since Peter ran off to work. That meant my mom and I had a whole free Hour at most. Now my dad was growing old.
At this time my dad was going on 35.
I over heard him talking to mom about retirement. I don't blame 'em. His been running for years. But I didn't realize in till I was 12. This world needs a hero.

I was coming home from the park at around 8 ' o'clock.

"Man, my mom's gonna be pissed." I remember thinking. I was only a few blocks down, when I heard a gunshot. So I did what any kid would do and ran to the crime scene. I was horrified. So I found myself baffled as I made my way to the small gas station. Now, above me, was one of those gas station ceiling things that are outside. Y'know, the thing covering up the gas tanks? Well above me was that. It was basically all broken down. So I peeked through the dirty place
Stick window. Only to see a couple of dead body laying In there.

Of course I called 9-1-1. But they never showed up. Any who, a man in a black leather jacket came out, with blood all over him came out. Buff. Short. Buff. Looked like he was in his mid 50's. He had a skull on his shirt and dark black Pupils. He killed those people.
The police never showed up. I sat there hours. My mom kept calling and calling. But I never picked up. And the cops never came to the people's aid. To take a look at the crime scene.
So I just sluggishly walked back home.

When my father retired
I will begin.

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