Chapter One

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A/N The song is New York by Alicia Keys - I feel that it agrees with Jas's first impression of the city. Happy reading!

When the letter came, I thought that I'd taken a shot of ecstasy.

I don't really remember what happened, but my mum said I was close to attacking the poor mailman. That I snatched the mail away and slammed the door, and threw every envelope to the floor until I'd found the one I wanted. That I ripped the envelope to shreds, until there was nothing left but three sheets of paper I'd wanted.

I remember what I said (well, squealed) after reading the note. "Oh my goooooood! Mum! I'm going to New York!" I was jumping up and down, clutching my acceptance into the fashion world.

Two years ago, there was a pair of twins - Bella and Jake Thera - who rose to the top of the fashion world. I've been following their blogs since the early days, and a month ago they announced they were offering a three week workshop for aspiring designers. I jumped for the chance, and my hard work had finally paid off.


I blink my eyes awake, Daya's 'Hide Away' playing through my earbuds. I'd fallen asleep on the train to New York, my head pressed against the glass. I slowly rub away the last remnants of my four hour nap and yawn. I'm going to arrive soon, and with that thought, I grab my black purse, searching for my compact; I need to look like the girl in the photos I sent.

As I stare into my mirror, I relax - I look exactly as I did when I got on the train. My long red hair is in a half-up half-down twist, my blue eyes are still lined with eyeshadow and eyeliner. My skin, pale and dotted with freckles, is free of acne. My outfit, consisting of worn down, ripped jeans, a cream shirt, my black leather jacket, short black fingerless gloves and stiletto black boots is still fashionable, so it makes me a little more comfortable with what ahead of me.

"We will now be ending our journey at the New York station. Once again, thank you for choosing..."

As the robotic voice announces my arrival in New York, I quickly scroll through Bella and Jake's blogs; nothing new to know about. My two carry-on suitcases are filled with Bella's designs, some of my own, all my art supplies, and of course, most importantly - my sewing machine.

We dock at the station and within minutes I'm out on a city street, just staring at all the skyscrapers. In Steven's Lookout, the highest building was the old McGloughley barn that was abandoned ages ago. The tides of people swarm around me, all on their phones and with their coffees, all knowing that they have a place to go. I almost feel isolated, but I shake my doubting thoughts away. I was chosen for this, which obviously means I'm ready for it.

I begin to walk down the streets, looking for the cafe labeled, 'WWI.' From what I've heard, it's meant to be made out of old underground bunkers, with old fashioned lights and vintage records playing. It's also where I'm meant to meet up with one of the other designers - Alexa Romero.

Soon, I find it (with a little help from Google Maps). I duck into the cafe, seeing that it's decided to pour with rain, and grab a table in the corner between the window and the wall, with two chairs. I leave my luggage beside me, and order a chai tea.

Fifteen minutes later, I'm still nursing my tea when a girl about my age walks in, rain dropping off her dark green army jacket. She's dressed in long black leggings, a plain white shirt with 5SOS on it, and black ankle boots. Her just-past-her-shoulders brown hair is dripping, but her blue-grey eyes are alive and alight. Her makeup is still intact; dark pink lipstick and and blue eyeshadow. She's dragging a suitcase and what looks like a sewing machine.

Her eyes scan the cafe, and focus in on me. A smile grows on her face and she walks over to me. "Jasmine Dawson?" she asks.

I nod. "Yeah - I prefer Jas though. You're Alexa Romero?"

Alexa nods. "You betcha." She slides into the chair across from me. "You're lucky you got here when you did; it's torrential out there. I got a text from BJ's agent - they're asking us to wait out the rain before going to the hotel."

I shrug. "That's great with me. I spent way to much time on my look to get it wet."

"I know, right?" Alexa laughs, and it's a fresh, upbeat laugh. "Bella designed my jacket, and she doesn't even see it until tomorrow."

"It's a shame," I say. "So, where are you from?"

Alexa stops talking to order a hot chocolate from the waiter before she answers. She turns back, smiling. "Los Angeles, California." She pumps her fist in the air. "Representation!"

I giggle. Alexa's personality is a massive difference form mine; she's so open and happy, whereas I'm a complete worry-wart. I drink the last of my tea as Alexa asks me, "Where'd you come from?"

"Nowhere, literally," I reply. Steven's Lookout, Georgia. Literally one person to a thousand blades of grass."

Alexa laughs again. "Well, at least you've got what it takes to make it. I heard one of the others is city girl, like me, and the other's from Maine."

I smile. "If they're nice, I guess it'll be fun."

Alexa nods, and she grins. "Can you believe we're actually going to meet Bella and Jake?" she whispers, half squeals.

I grin back. "I know! I can't wait for it! I've been reading their blogs ever since they started! I hope I can be half as successful as they are."

Alexa finishes off her hot chocolate. "Well, this is New York."

I nod my head in agreement. "Yeah."

Hello! This just popped into my head, and I decided to write it! I'll be introducing the other main characters in the next chapter (except for one), but so far, how do you like Jas and Alexa? Also, if you have spare time and can make covers, I would love if you did one for me, it would be really nice, considering I made this one. Or should I keep it? Let me know!


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