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Hello fellow Sess/Kag lovers :) I'm new to writing, so I'm sorry if my story is inadequate. I'm welcome to constructive criticism, but please no rude reviews. I hope you enjoy!

Also there is a very short rape scene in this chapter, sorry.

~ "Those who wear their heart on their sleeve often find they have lost it along the way." ~

Third Person POV


A scream of pure agony pierced the silent night, but nobody was around to hear it. A beautiful raven haired girl was strewn on the forest floor tears streaming from her chocolate brown eyes. Her hair was lying across her naked breasts and her body was riddled with scraped and cuts. The moonlight shined on her naked body highlighting the evidence of the horrible act she's just been through. Her name was Kagome.

She stayed in the same position for hours unable to muster up the strength to move. Her whole body ached and she was sore beyond belief. She just lied there thinking of the events that led up to her current predicament. She had been betrayed and violated by those she had called friends.


"Woo go Miroku!"

Kagome was on the ground crying in pain as Miroku thrust relentlessly into her. He had no regard for her as he continuously thrust his cock deep into her womanhood, eliciting a cry of pain from his victim after every thrust.

Kagome's "best friend" Inuyasha was on the side cheering him on. Inuyasha reached out and squeezed Kagome's breasts causing her to whimper in pain.

"Yeah you like this wench don't you?! You're always running around in that little green skirt, not caring about how it affects us!" Inuyasha growled out as he groped her breasts furiously.

"Ugghhh" Miroku collapsed on top of Kagome breathing heavily having just came inside her.

"Move over Miroku I want another turn!" Miroku got off and was instantly replaced by Inuyasha.

"I'll teach you to be a fucking tease Kagome!" Inuyasha thrust his cock into Kagome's abused womenhood for the fifth time.

End Flashback

Kagome shuddered as she finished recalling the horror she endured for over twenty-four hours. How could she have been so naive? She knew there was horrible people in the world, her only mistake was trusting the wrong people. She stayed there on the cold forest floor wondering if she should even go on. Was life even worth living? After what she had just been put through by those she trusted, nobody would blame her if she chose to seek comfort in deaths embrace.

Looking at the stream to her left, she couldn't keep from smiling at the beautiful picture it created. The moon was shining high in the sky making the ripples look celestial and highlighting the silvery scales of the fish swimming just below the surface.

'This isn't such a bad place to die, at least I have a beautiful last view.'

As she closed her eyes ready to accept her end and go to a better place she heard her mother's voice, 'You're strong enough to make it through anything life throws at you Kagome. Don't you ever give up. Giving up means admitting defeat, and you are too strong to let anything beat you.'

With her mother's advice ringing through her ears Kagome stood up. 'I have a duty to fulfill. I broke the Shikon no Tama and now it's my responsibility to fix it. I WON'T let them win.' Grabbing her trusty yellow pack Kagome walked to the stream that was five feet to her left to rid herself of their filth. After scrubbing her skin raw Kagome pulled clothes out and dressed.

Looking up at the moon Kagome made a promise to herself, never again would she trust another. Never again would she love another. Never again would she be used, she would guard her heart no matter the cost. She was alone in the world and that's how she wanted it to be. Gone was the carefree girl who trusted everyone and loved with her whole being. Never again.


Okay so I know it's really short, but it's just a beginning. Future chapters will be longer :) Please review and let me know what you think. (:

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