4 traveling

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"My legs! My neck! My tail!" I moaned and cried "must- rest-! Me- hurting-all-over!" Said Wolfy weakly   "Noooo! I, am-never ever-stoping!" Said Red determined and fell on his side.  "We all have to rest!" I said with a weak tone of voice. Unfortunately, Wolfy had already passed out, so we had no choice. "We're all tired Red! Can you see Wolfy or not?" I said "YOU think you are better than me?" Red said in a lousy  voice. "No Red. I don't. But, I do think that you, need sleep!""and I think that you are very very weak! Look at your adopted brother!"I said then he passed out right away. "Ohh! BROTHER!" I picked up Wolfy and Red and carried them both up the side of the stream of water next to us. I pulled as hard as I could for the next 2 hours. Until I put them down next to a small tree. I walked over to the stream. I saw a fish in the water and just before I grabed it, I felt a giant pain of stinging pain! Phisical pain, like when someone stuffs a needle in your arm except it's on your back. And then 5 seconds later you swirl around and you're about to pounce, and then everything starts going blurry and then black and then you pass out. Completely what happend to me.

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