Gamer To Payer

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Chapter 1: The Start Of Something New

Finally, a fresh start, Getting out of that school was the best thing that I've ever done! It felt like I was trapped being pushed around by those... jerks. My mom promised to bring me to a new and better school, and she doesn't dissappoint, apparently the school has quite a reputation. People have been saying that it has one of the best athletics departments in the entire state! 

All I want is to go to school, do my work, and play my video games.... My mom is quite worried about me because I don't have any friends, but I'm perfectly fine with that.

As I finished helping my mom place all the boxes from the 'movers' truck inside the house I decided to get some shut eye on the still plastic wrapped couch. I knew I had school tomorrow so I made sure to get my clothes for tomorrow ready as well as my book bag and school supplies.

I was woken up by a gentle squeeze and shake in my arm. My mother then whispered to me "come on ya bum get learning" she said playfully then smiled. Her cheeks were bright pink and her hair was blonde and curly short, she had that type of smile that could just make anyone feel warm.

I got up and took a shower and tried to tame my curly blonde hair I cleared the condensed steam off the mirror and looked and my reflection shirtless. 

Since the move I've been looking a bit skinny and less pimples... I really should eat a sandwich or something, other then that I looked into my blue eyes hoping to get through this school year without being bullied...  

I dried myself off and put on a red shirt and some jeans got my back pack and sat down at the breakfast counter where my mom sat drinking her coffee in her favorite pink robe. She saw me and her green eyes flickered as she said "how my handsome kid!" She looked at me and her face got worried she said "GEEZ, you're skinnier then a twig! Here have this," she gave me a peanut butter sandwich "now get outta here and get to school it's not far from here just take the main avenue out and take the second left turn okay Mr. Twig?" I nodded and headed out the door and took my music player and started walking to the beat.

And before you knew it I was standing in front if my new school beside the flag pole, And above the four door entrance it said in bold black and green letters "WEST CREEK HIGH" and I could see fresh men through seniors just milling around at the front I tried to be as subtle as possible. I slouched over and edged my way to the principals office to get my schedule, my mom has already planned out everything for me... She's the best.... 

I made my way inside the school and my jaw dropped... There were black and green banners hanging, trophies, art sculptures made by students, and instruments were all around the spacious hallways. It was quite a sight! I'm not even kidding there was even a large marble statue at the intersection in the hallways.

As I walked through the halls, Admiring almost every spec of dust of it, I finally came across a large wooden door. The door had a gold plate that had "principal's office" engraved on it.  

So I entered and a man, fairly young about in his thirties, smiled and stood up to shake my hand. He said "Hows it goin', I've been expecting you!" He said with a smile.  

I think I just died and went to school heaven.... I said I was doing good, he had blue eyes and short but combed clean hair and he had a blue suit that said "I will control you're every move.... But in a nice way^_^" it was weird.... He asked me what my name was and I said "Alex Richardson, Sir" making sure to keep good manners. Strangely he stood up to shake me hand AGAIN and I hesitated but shook his hand anyways. As he shook my hand he said his name was Mr. Smith with a smile almost robotic.... Something felt odd about this principal, but I'm not gonna complain!

After some small talk he gave me my schedule just as the first period bell rang through out the halls. My first period was science and I was in luck science is my favorite subject!

Something very odd happened in science though, because even the teacher seemed robotic... As if her motions were controlled... I was a bit worried now, only the students seemed to act normal. This was the same through out all my classes through the day...  

Strange, but not enough for me to care I got home and did all my chores and homework and turned on my game system but something caught my eye specifically. My controller... Was... Glowing! I could not BELIEVE IT! My mom got me a new glowing controller! I just want to squeeze her to death!

I felt sporty today so I put in a football (American) video game to test out my new glowing controller! I was so excited! As my game started I grabbed the controller and started the game. Five minutes into the game my controller started shaking... It was shaking violently and I thought it was just some sort if featured vibration or something... But oh how  wrong I was. In a moments instance I was on a football field running towards the end zone and no way in hell I was going to stop because the guys that were chasing me looked like they were going to rip me apart!  

I ran and began to breath heavily but I had to go into the end zone so those guys would atleast stop chasing me so I can have time to actually figure out what just happened...

After scoring the touchdown my body began to glow green, I was so confused at what was happening... Then I began to float in the air and shook faster and faster until.... I was back in my room... Holding the glowing controller...  

I finally got the courage to move again and threw the controller on the floor... And backed away breathing heavily. "WHAT THE HECK" I heard myself scream... After a few minutes I began to calm down and saw the glowing of my controller began to dim. "D-Did I just go into my own video game?!" I asked myself I was still shocked and out of words...

Chapter2: The controller  

???? What did Alex just do exactly? Was it really possible that he went into a video game? And where did this glowing magical controller come from?! And what powers does it hold?! Stay tuned as Alex tries to find out what just happened to him!

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