Coming Storm *

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Chapter 10: Coming Storm

“What the hell are you doing!” I screamed, jumping to my feet.

Dustin was barely upright. I couldn't stand the expression of pain on his face.

“You little...”

Drew didn't get a chance to finish. I dived at him, my hands groping for his neck. Keeping Dustin pinned with one of his hands, Drew elbowed me with the other. I gasped, clutching at my gut. He used my laps to his advantage, kicking me hard in the collar bone. A sharp pain exploded like a gunshot, and I flew back across the room, crashing into the couch. Everything hurt.

“You incompetent, uniformed, psychotic piece of shit! Do you understand what you almost did?”

Drew had spun Dustin around so that they were face to face. His large hand had closed around my friend's throat. Suddenly Jason was at my side. I hadn't noticed him come out of his room.

“Nance, what's going on?”

I didn't have time to respond, as it appeared Drew had gotten tired of waiting for an answer to his rhetorical question.

“You and your little buddies were literally five meters away from turning this entire city into a smoking crater.”

“I-I” Dustin stammered.

I attempted to get to my feet, but Jason held me back. What was he doing?

“I didn't know.” Dustin gasped for air.

“Well we've learned a valuable lesson, haven't we?” Drew's voice was a low growl, dangerous and mocking. “We've learned to do some research before going to work for a maniac.”

“But he said we were on the same side. He said we were helping.”

“Well he's either crazier than I though or outright lying to you. Neither me, nor anyone like me would ever authorize the kind of thing you and your friends are doing. We know how much of a powder keg this city is, and we were doing our best to tread lightly. Now I've got a message for you, and you make sure you deliver it. I don't care about the rest of you, as long as you stop this insanity. But him... Alec. He's dead. Do you understand?”

I couldn't believe it. He couldn't be talking about who I thought he was talking about. Drew released Dustin's neck and he slumped back against the counter, but it was like something had snapped in Drew. The cool demeanour was gone, and anger cascaded off of him like waves. He grabbed the front of Dustin's shirt and raised his fist.

“No!” I got free of Jason, and ran across the room towards them.

Drew stopped before his fist collided with Dustin's flesh. His shoulders slumped and it was like the anger drained from him. I didn't stop, shoving the full grown man out of the way, and letting Dustin fall into my arms.

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