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"Reece! Over here" I shouted to my best friend, he looked over and grinned whilst jogging over. Once he was in full sight of me and my car he let out a low whistle
"Okay. I know your dad is trying to make up for lost time but damn Jessie this car is...it's a freaking M3 convertible with butterfly doors in Matt black. You had loads of girls on you before but now they'll be swarming all over you like bees to honey." I let out a chuckle.
"The girls were already coming to me like bees and honey man but whatever I've-
'Can Mr Ryder report to the principles office immediately'
Reece looked at me in disbelief "already? You just got here and you didn't do nothing!"
"Yeah I know that and you know that but that doesn't matter to the jackass it's probably about my absence for the pat two weeks but I was... Busy"
"Hmmm you were too 'busy' fighting then recovering from the injuries, you know what happened the last time were went to the club, you were the one that made me promise not to go there again and now-
"Reece. I know what happened last time you don't need to remind me, what do we always say?" I stare at him "well?"
"Once a fighter, always a fighter" he mutters
"Exactly once a fighter, always a fighter and it's been like six months since what happened last time and nothing has happened, I've done my fair share of waiting so I'm going to fight and I'm going to fight hard"
"I get that you want to fight but why? I mean you have your dad and he's loaded so you don't need the money, you got payback on that fucker which is why you picked up fighting in the first place, man I'm your best friend and even I don't know why you keep fighting"
I just stared at him. I didn't know why either, it just felt good.
"Do I need to have a reason? I just like it, I just like to fight helps me clear my head" he shook his head at my answer and looked away " what? What is it?"
"Remember when I asked you six months ago why do you fight? Your answer was the same thing 'it helps me clear my head' but it doesn't make sense Ryder! Why do you need to clear your head? You practically told me just now that there's nothing to worry about, you got your revenge and your dads back so why do you need to clear your head? Are you scared?"
" I'm not scared of anything Reece"
"No. No you're scared Ryder and that's why you keep fighting, I've been asking all the wrong questions, I'm your best mate and I know when something is wrong with you. The real question is what are you running from?"
'Can Mr Ryder report to the principles office immediately'
With one last look at Reece I turned around and made my way into the school building.
I'm not running from anything, right?

I walked into the principles office and sat down. He looked at me, his eyes so black they reminded me of looking into a deep deep hole.
He let out a sigh "Mr Ryder I know you know why I called you to my office this morning so let's get straight down to business, where were you these last two weeks?"
"Well John-
"It's Mr Carter or Sir to you Ryder!"
"-I can tell you where I was, I was in Toronto, my aunt came down with a horrible fever and I had to look after my cousins while she was taken to hospital." I looked straight into his eyes as I spoke
"So you're telling me that you went to Toronto to look after your cousins while your aunt was in hospital with a terrible fever" the disbelief dripped from his voice. I nodded my head. My eyes flicker to where his hand gripped his pen even tighter, his knuckles turning white. I smirked.
"Sir it pains me that you don't believe me," I put my hand on my heart "you have no reason not to, I mean my grades are fine more than fine actually I believe I'm top of the school in academics I would love to say and extra curriculum but that would only be a lie" my smirk grew as I saw his jaw twitch, not long now "and we both know that I do not lie but seeing as you disagree with me I shall only speak the truth, your balding head is looking shiny today," I almost laughed, no, not long at all "I'm glad, I thought I was going to have to buy you extra sheen as your Christmas present but I see-
"ENOUGH! You will sit there and listen to what I have to say, yes you have acceptable grades but you are no longer the top of the academic leader board Mr Ryder, you are second and because of your blatant disrespect you will be serving detention for two weeks where you will catch up with all the work that you have missed and this is your last chance Mr Ryder, if you miss any classes from now till you graduate then you will not be graduating! Have I made myself clear Mr Ryder?"
"Sorry but I'm not first but second?" He rubbed his temple with his fingers and pointed to the door.
"Out Mr Ryder get out" with that he went back to his work leaving me gaping at what he said. I stood up and walked towards the door but stopped as everything else he said caught up with me
"Stop me from graduating? You can't do that, you have no right to stop me from escaping this shit hole-
"GET OUT!" He stood up from his chair pointing to the door.
"Alright, alright I'm going, keep the hair you have left on your head. Don't want it all to disappear now do we?" I walked out and into the empty corridors. Seeing as I can't skip anymore classes, I pulled out my timetable and sighed at my first lesson.


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