Chapter 1

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Taehyung walk hand in hand with Jimin towards their next class. "Baby come after school to do homework with me?" Taehyung as his boyfriend. "Babe answer me!" The younger voices gets a little louder. "Babe!" The now annoyed Taehyung turn around to find a dazed Jimin. "Really?" Jimin attention is now towards Taehyung. "I'm right infront of you and you still look at other girls"

"Baby, I'm sorry what is it?" Taehyung rolled his eyes "Nothing forget it" Jimin ran after Taehyung.

"Taehyung please tell me what's up!!!" Jimin desperately ask Taehyung " It's not imprtant just if you wanted to do homework with me" Jimin smile at the younger and kiss him.


Taehyung look throw the school text book for notes on how to solve the equation. He smile as he found the perfect page. Taehyung smile and look to his side looking for Jimin. He remembers that Jimin went to hall C to look for a math book. He walk towards hall C.


"Nah I'm free tomorrow " Jimin smile "cool than come with us to the party" Jimin and the girls laugh. "Wait how about his boyfriend?" Jimin look at the girl "he accept it plus is not like I'm doing anything wrong just partying." All the girls giggle.

"Well weren't you guys going to the carnival tomorrow " Jimin put his attention on her again " You worry too much"

One girl hug Jimin from the front and another one hug him from the back.

"Really?" Jimin heard a voices that sounded too low behing his back. He quickly turn around.

"Taehyung!" Jimin eyes widen as he saw Taehyung teary eyes. "Just forget it okay enjoy your party with your hoes I go to the carnival by myself." Taehyung turn around and speed walk out of the library trying to hide his tears. "You still coming tomorrow?" Jimin look at the girl with wide eyes "really?" He rooted is eyes and ran after Taehyung. When Jimin exit the labrary Taehyung was nowhere to be seen.


Taehyung try to hold his tears as he walk home. His eyes widen when he look at his backyard. There was a person there. Taehyung quickly ran inside his houses and grab a flashlight, he quickly made his way to the backyard. He made his way silently to the tree. He eyes got huge when he saw no one there. He ran to the next tree and got ready to attack. "No no no Please I just wanted to see the houses" Taehyung raise his hand "why?"

"I use to live here and I just wanted to see how it was" Taehyung put his hand down. "Who does that?"


Hours pass now and Taehyung and the unknown boy are getting to know each other. "You know you still haven't tell me your name. Mine is Taehyung and yours?"

"Mines is Jungkook"


"I'm so happy you at the same school as me?" Taehyung smile widely as he look at Jungkook. Taehyung books fell he was about to lean down to get it but Jungkook already got it for him. "Ahh thanks"


Taehyung was stuggling to open his locker. "Boo" Taehyung scream "Ah Jungkook you scare me" They both smile at each other "Here I do it for you" Jungkook open his locker like it was second nature to him. Taehyung blush.


Taehyung and Jungkook were at cooking class. Taehyung spill the flour all over the table, he started walking to the materials to get a tower but then he remembers that there was a tower there nevertheless he keep walking to the material. When he arrived back at his destination his eyes widen as he saw the desk clean. "Ahh Jungkook you're such as gentleman " Taehyung blush.

Jimin faces became red as he watch the scene in silences.


Jimin couldn't take it anymore, Taehyung was ignoring him the whole day. He quickly made his way to V's last period class. He stop at the door and started watching the scene.

"And then you just add 4 on both sides" Taehyung blush "Thank you Jungkookie, you always there for me" Jungkook lean in and kiss Taehyung cheeks "no problem"

"Really you cheating on me?" Both Jungkook and Taehyung turn around. " Jimin get away he was just helping me" Jimin glare at Jungkook "Really because kissing is going to help you in math" Taehyung rolled his eyes " it was just a kiss on the cheeks"

"Really just a kiss I'm still your boyfriend therefore you can't do stuff like that with other people!!" The now annoyed Taehyung raises his voices "are you kidding me because you always don't 'stuff like that' when you with other girls" Jimin look down "so this is about that?"

"Listen both of yall shut up Jimin it was just a kiss on the cheek and Taehyung if he hurts you that much than break up with him." Taehyung look at Jungkook "You know what you are right I should just break up with him"

Jimin look a Taehyung " no you can't do that"

Taehyung open his mouth to talk-


Thank you for reading this is going to be a short story less than 10 chapters long.

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