Chapter One

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Mylo's POV
When the new girl walked in, I reevaluated what my friends and I were doing. Kevin, on my right, was staring her, looking intrigued and Jensi, on my left, as usual, was digging for gold in his nose. Remind me to never touch him again. Self-check time. Elbows on desk, chin on fist and my eyes were trained on her. Not bad.

A tall, dark skinned girl, was standing in front of the class and she was beautiful. She had thick, natural hair, unlike all the other girls at school. Big brown eyes stared at class, like she was waiting for someone to challenge her. Her chin was up proudly. Her whole demeanour spoke bold and brash; she looked ready to take on the world.

I could see other students, girls and guys alike, staring at her. How could she not be uncomfortable with all that attention? I wither under one look from my strict Chinese-Canadian mother. She wants me to always be at the top of my classes which is impossible. My Scottish father, who'd rather that I do my best, tries to calm her down, but she's got the spirit of Nessie, as he'd say.

I've never understood what drew my parents together. Even now, at 15, I still don't understand. She was a fiery second-generation Chinese-Canadian, while he was a red-haired, prim and proper UK boy.

Suddenly, a huge BOOM! from my left sliced through my thoughts. Everyone turned towards the sound, including the new girl, who hadn't even flinched or jumped when it happened. I followed everyone's gazes to Jensi, who was red-faced and grinning sheepishly. His dark-blond hair was sticking straight up and what reminded me of orange soda, was spilt across our shared lab desk.

"Jensi! What'd you do?" Kevin yelled. He's the high-strung one.

It was at that moment, that Mr. Nevin, the lab teacher, decided to enter the room. I wasn't surprised when he bursted into the room, with his glasses askew and his salt-and-pepper hair tousled. He always looked like he'd been thrown around by a tornado. Then he tripped over his toes and landed face-first on the ground. I'm pretty sure he's drunk.

My assumption was confirmed when he slurred instructions to the class.

"Free period." He slumped over and fell on the chalkboard behind him.

Mr. Nevin began snoring so loudly, that I swear the room shook. Many students got up and left the class. No one even made a twitch to help our teacher. Just when I thought about helping him, the new girl lifted him up like he was a baby and plopped him on his desk.

Feeling a bit daring, I walked up to her to ask her her name. After all, I can't keep calling her "The New Girl". She had moved over to the windowsill and she was leaning against it, gazing outside. I tapped her on her shoulder. She drew up to her full height, which was easily over 5'5, many inches taller than my measly height of 5'3. She looked down at me.

"Yes?" She asked, quirking an eyebrow.

"Um, you're new here, right? Do you, uh, have a name?" I said, answering her question with more.

"Cushia Beauton is the name my parents gave me." She had a deeper voice than I'd expected and when she talked, it sounded like she was singing.

"Cool last name. Are you from Québec?" This conversation was going better than I'd expected. Usually when I talked to girls, I would be babbling about nonsense, while she was chatting with friends or she was posting something on Instagram or something.

"No, Vancouver, but my great grandfather was born in Québec. What is your name?" Her eyes were focused on me, and could feel my ears turning red.

"Mylo Chen."

"Would you happen to be related to Camera Chen?" She asked. Cushia's eyes hardened at my answer.

"Yeah, she's my aunt. Why?" She looked away from me.

"Sorry, I have to go. Hope to see you again, Mylo." I could tell she didn't really mean it.

She strode out the lab door. I stood there for a moment, confused. What's so bad about Aunt Camera? I looked behind me. Kevin and Jensi were gone. Not surprising. They never wait for anyone or anything. In a split second, I made the decision to follow Cushia. I need another friend, besides those idiots.

I ran out of the lab. I looked down the left hallway; empty. I looked down the opposite hallway; flash of thick dark hair. I jogged quickly down the hallway. I don't want to run because that would let her know I was there and there was still classes going on. Not everyone was lucky enough to have a drunkard for a teacher.

I finally reached the end of the hallway and when I turned the corner, I did not see anyone. This girl must be really fast because I know I was less than 10 seconds behind her. I started slowly taking my time just in case she jumped out of one of the lockers and surprised me and next thing you know, I am screaming and falling down into some unknown place.

"What is this place"? I asked out loud. There are guns and things that look like gadgets all over the wall. There was also a window but, it was smaller than me. There is also one door but I am too stunned by my view to actually find out what is behind it. I was about to go investigate what else was in the room, until I heard footsteps heading towards the door.

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