Love Stays.

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I feel like it's time.
The day has come.
I'm so sorry.

One tiny more thing, I found this AMV, all credit to the person who made it and No! I did not cry watching it.

Just air in my eyes is all.
Misaki's POV

It's been a couple of months since the incident with Chika, Hachiro and I still talk, we've actually become really close friends, Usagi gets jealous every now and then but he likes Hachiro, he has even let him stay over a couple of times, I was pretty shocked with it but I was happy that Usagi finally accepted one of my friends.
Over the past months had been thougj, we had to go to court and explain what had happen, Chika was serving 2 years in prison for everything she had done, Hachiro was upset about it at first but he gradually got over it.

Right now, Usagi was angry.
Very angry.
Well not as angry when Chika was here but angry.
I should probably explain.

I was at Usagi's work today, he was doing a few things so I walked around did my own thing until I saw something amazing, well not amazing, amazing but something that can make anyone go 'OMG.'

It was my favourite manga, The Kan. It wasn't out for selling yet, it was so beautiful, I just kept staring at it.

I felt someone grab my shoulder, I turned and saw someone staring at me, "Are you a fan of this person?" I nodded at him, "Yeah, a huge fan." I gave him a smile, "Great! Come with me!" He pulled me into a room, a few people were in it and some guy who looked depressed and almost dead.

"Mr. Ijuuin, we have a fan right here."
"Stop, no one reads my manga anymore!"
"But this kid says he is a huge fan!"
"Lies! You're just saying that!"
I was a bit confused.
"Uhm, what's going on?" I asked the guy who pulled me in here.
"Oh right sorry, this is the guy writes The Kan, Ijuuin Kyo."
My eyes shot open, what, what, what?!

"No way! Omg, I'm such a huge fan can I have your autograph, no a picture?!" I was way to excited for this.
"Huh?" The magnificent author looked at me, "I'm such a huge fan, I love The Kan, it's my favourite manga, I enter every competition, I love it so much! I love you!" Before I could finish I felt an evil presence behind me.

I turned around and saw Usagi, he looked pissed.
"Uh no Usagi, it's not what you think..."
He grabbed my arm then walked out, "Usami where are you going!?" Aikawa yelled, "Home." Uhhh I've done it now...

When we reached home Usagi pulled me inside then chucked me on the couch.
"What was that about?"
"Uh, he uh, writes my favourite manga and well I was overwhelmed and uh."
"You said you loved him."
"Uh, I meant I lover him as an author."
"Who do you love more?"
"Who do you love more?"
"Uh, un, y-you of course..."
"Say it."
"Usagi what's the matter with you?"
"Say it."
I closed my eyes, "I-I love you." I felt Usagi pull me into his arms so he war hugging me, "Don't say you love anyone ever again." I pulled out of the hug, "W-why?" He sat down on the couch, "Because it makes me jealous." I couldn't help but giggle to myself a bit, he is scary when he is jealous but it shows he cares, "Yeah." I said then sitting next to him.

So I explained why he was angry, I mean we made up and all but I could see he was still angry.
He can be such a child sometimes.

I walked away to make some dinner since it was close to 6, I decided with something easy, some curry and salad should be good, I put my apron on then began cooking.

When I finished, I called Usagi to the table, he got up then we began eating, it was pretty quiet while eating but I couldn't blame him I did say something that would make anyone angry and also jealous.

Junjou Romantica Misaki x UsagiWhere stories live. Discover now