Greetings everyone who's believed in Me for so long. I'm currently on mobile... I have some very unfortunate news... the next chapter will be the last of this story... I've lost all of my passion of this story and I will just skip to a point in time I believe will help leave you guys on a higher and happier note... it will be sad. Yes, but I will include little details to make you guys pleased. I appreciate everything you guys have done. 7k readers... I remember when there was only 50. I was so happy, and I am happier that you guys have connected with my story. Unfortunately, a writer can't be forced to write... I don't want to discontinue the story because that isn't fair to you all. So I will simply end the story as a last resort to make you all happy. Thank you guys again for encouraging me to continue... I have never pushed something this far for others. I apologize for all of the inconvenience. I love you all.