Quick Author's Note

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Hey guys, thanks for choosing to read this story! I hope you like it. A quick few requests for readers on this story-

First, for the first few chapters where the girls are with their adopted families, they're overworked and abused/treated pretty badly. I'm not sure if all adopted families are like that, (I really doubt it). Here, I'm just taking it to an extreme to make help develop their characters.

Second, please don't hate. I can understand if you start shouting at something a character says or does. But please no telling other people that their comments are stupid or that they're dumb or anything like that.

Third, if you're re-reading, please don't spoil anything for first time readers. If you just have to comment, please label your comment as a re-reader comment by putting #rr comment at the top. This way, first time readers know not to read your comment unless they want spoilers.

Fourth, if there are any grammar mistakes, and someone has already pointed it out, please don't point it out another time. If someone has already pointed out my mistake, I'll fix it. Unless it's something priceless that's really funny and I'll leave it if requested.
P.S.- I'm typing on my phone, just an FYI.

Fifth, don't shout at me a thousand times to update. I swear I don't abandon my books, I just take a while to update.

Sixth, author's notes. I'll probably put a short one at the end of each chapter. You don't have to read those if you don't want to. But if they are-
1) at the beginning of the chapter
2) the entire chapter (like an a/n chapter)
3) clearly state please read this author's note in caps, bold, underline and italics such as:
Then please read them.

Seventh, I'll occasionally put a video or a picture at the start of the chapter. If it's not there, it's like the same with the grammar- once one person mentions it, I don't need 20 more to do so.

Eighth, I give you almost total liberty of commenting. But please nothing derogatory or offensive. Otherwise, comment at your pleasure.

Ninth, if there's an issue, whether with another reader, or you have something you want to tell me, like an idea, PM me. I'll respond as quickly as possible, but I don't have notifications on so it may take me a little while.

Tenth, comment, vote, and suggest please!! Spread the word if you like it. It helps a lot!

I love all of you guys and thanks to everyone who reads, comments, votes, and suggests!

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