Phone Call

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((Lucy's Pov))

I woke up the next morning sore. I told all my friends about Natsu. They weren't happy with the fact that I lost my virginity to some guy in a club. But he's not just some guy and it wasn't just some meaningless sex. I can't explain it.

I looked down at my hands a saw Natsu's number still on it. I excitedly ran to my desk where my phone was plugged in charging. I quickly opened it , typed the number in it, saved it and called him. I was ringing.

One ring

Two ring

Three ring

Four ring

Five ring

I started getting nervous. What if he doesn't answer.

Six ring

Seven ring

Click. "Hello, this is Natsu Dragneel." I heard a deep voice says on the other line. I let out a sigh of relief. He answered. Now what. "Umm hi Natsu. It Lucy. From the club last night." I was silent for a minute the he spoke "oh Lucy hey what's up?" He mumbled. I could hear the tiredness in his voice. "I woke you up didn't I?" I uttered feeling bad that I woke him. "No no your fine. I had to get up anyways." He reassured "So what's up." He yawned. "Umm I was wondering if your not busy we could go out and do something. I don't have school today." I noted. I sat on my bed holding a pillow as I waited for his reply. "Wait. How old are you?" He asked. Fear is laced through his voice. "Don't worry I'm in college. I'm 21. Your not going to jail." I chuckle at his fright. "But thanks I didn't know I looked that young. So can you go out?" I questioned anxiously. "Yeah we can go out. I'll pick you up at 2. Wear something nice." He orders and hangs up.

I sat there, shocked for a minute. I looked at my clock. It was already noon. I gotta get ready. I get up off my bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

((Natsu's Pov))

I just got off the phone with Lucy. I lazily rub the sleep out of my eyes but it didn't help. My dark room probably didn't help. I turn on my lamp which has a red light bulb in it giving my room a red glow. I propped myself on my elbow and rub my eyes again. I looked at my alarm clock and see it's already noon. In no rush I sit up and slide out from my silk covers. In absolute nothing I stumble to my bathroom. Getting ready for my date.


•|•Hey guys so I finally got an idea. It's not my best work but at least it's something. So I hope you guys enjoy this. Vote and comment. I'm still open for requests. Add this book to your reading list and share this with your friends. Thanks for reading guys and stay tuned for the next chapter. Byye!!•|•

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