Chapter Fourty-one

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Danielle's P.O.V.
I meet Michael at a coffee shop downtown, we order, and take a seat. At first we both sit there quietly, sipping our coffee. Finally after a few minutes I break the silence. I say "Michael, I really respect that you're sticking around, to help her with the baby and all, but I don't think that you two should get married, because it doesn't work out if you just do it for the baby" He nods and says "I know, to be honest I'm already not happy. I don't even think that the baby is mine. Once the baby is born, I want a paternity test. I'm holding off on marrying her until after the test is done. The baby is the only reason why she is still in my life. She had just told me on Thanksgiving morning that she was late, and the test said she was pregnant, so it's still really soon." I nod and say "I knew that something was up, I know that you wouldn't still be with her, or be engaged to her unless there was a really big reason, and a baby is a big reason." He nods and I take a sip of my coffee and say "Michael, it honestly hurt to see you two together. I still sometimes imagine what a life with you would be like, and what would've happened if when you came to Nashville while I was single. A little part of me would love to be married to you, and be carrying your children, but an even bigger part of me is happy that this all is with Luke. I mean, we were just kids, and we probably would have gotten married and started a family early, and something would've happened, and changed that. It wouldn't have just hurt me, but possibly our children if we got that far." He looks up from his coffee, and he has a tear rolling down his cheek. He says to me "When I walked in to your house on Thanksgiving, I felt like it was you and I married, you looked beautiful out in the kitchen. The sight of you cooking made me feel at home. I knew that you were pregnant from the moment I saw you, you were glowing. I had pictured that a thousand times, but the only difference was that you and I were together not you and Luke." I give him a small smile, and squeeze his hand, and say "Michael, you need to move on from me. I'm a happily married woman, who is living her dream. I'm pregnant with twins and I couldn't be happier with anyone else, Luke makes me feel like no one has ever before. The way he is with me, right now, because I'm pregnant, lets me know that I made the right decision. I'm sorry that things didn't work out as planned. I really am, but things for me turned out for the better" he nods and says "I just want you back in my life, I don't care if it's just as a friend. I miss you" I say "I miss you too. But I can't not right now. Not for another 8 months, until you know for sure if that kid is yours. I want you to know that when my children are born, you can come see them. But she can't be there. I want you to at least get to meet them once." He nods and says "If she wasn't preganant, and I would've been moving here, it was going to be a surprise, but now that's all ruined " I nod, and get up, and go out to my car and start drving home. I take the long way home. I need some time to clear my head.

Luke's P.O.V.
Danielle is gone for a long time, but I wouldn't expect this to be quick, it is a major thing after all. But if I know her, she will find a positive outcome to this situation, if anyone can. When I fell asleep, she still wasn't home, which means that they're having a really long talk.
(The Next Morning)
When I wake up, Danielle isn't in bed, so I go downstairs, I find her and Hannah in the kitchen.She hands me some waffles, and she looks happy. So I guess that whatever happened last night worked out for the better. Danielle looks up at me and says "Hey Luke, do we have anything going on for the next week?" I think for a second and say "No why?" She says "Well, I was thinking that I should go with Ryan and Hannah up to New York, and visit some of my friends and things, plus I can help them move down here. You're more than welcome to come with me" I smile and say "Well, a mini vacation it is, we will fly, because if we drive, you will make us stop every five minutes for you to go pee" She laughs a little at that, and she says, "Okay, great we leave this afternoon. I will book us a flight right now. Then go pack."I laugh, and finish eating, then the two of us go upstairs and pack. We finish packing, and I book us a hotel in Saratoga, which is 25 minutes away from where her parents live. We help Ryan and Hannah pack their things, and they head out. We should see them sometime tomorrow. It takes 18 hours to drive there. Danielle and I head to the airport around three in the afternoon. Once we get there, we check in, and then I go get some coffee, and Danielle gets a smoothie. We board the plane at 4, we have a connecting flight in Detroit, after our one hour and 10 minute layover. It takes us 4 hours and 20 minutes to get to Albany. We have an hour drive after we land in Albany. Once we get to the hotel, we shower Danielle's P.O.V.
I meet Michael at a coffee shop downtown, we order, and take a seat. At first we both sit there quietly, sipping our coffee. Finally after a few minutes I break the silence. I say "Michael, I really respect that you're sticking around, to help her with the baby and all, but I don't think that you two should get married, because it doesn't work out if you just do it for the baby" He nods and says "I know, to be honest I'm already not happy. I don't even think that the baby is mine. Once the baby is born, I want a paternity test. I'm holding off on marrying her until after the test is done. The baby is the only reason why she is still in my life. She had just told me on Thanksgiving morning that she was late, and the test said she was pregnant, so it's still really soon." I nod and say "I knew that something was up, I know that you wouldn't still be with her, or be engaged to her unless there was a really big reason, and a baby is a big reason." He nods and I take a sip of my coffee and say "Michael, it honestly hurt to see you two together. I still sometimes imagine what a life with you would be like, and what would've happened if when you came to Nashville while I was single. A little part of me would love to be married to you, and be carrying your children, but an even bigger part of me is happy that this all is with Luke. I mean, we were just kids, and we probably would have gotten married and started a family early, and something would've happened, and changed that. It wouldn't have just hurt me, but possibly our children if we got that far." He looks up from his coffee, and he has a tear rolling down his cheek. He says to me "When I walked in to your house on Thanksgiving, I felt like it was you and I married, you looked beautiful out in the kitchen. The sight of you cooking made me feel at home. I knew that you were pregnant from the moment I saw you, you were glowing. I had pictured that a thousand times, but the only difference was that you and I were together not you and Luke." I give him a small smile, and squeeze his hand, and say "Michael, you need to move on from me. I'm a happily married woman, who is living her dream. I'm pregnant with twins and I couldn't be happier with anyone else, Luke makes me feel like no one has ever before. The way he is with me, right now, because I'm pregnant, lets me know that I made the right decision. I'm sorry that things didn't work out as planned. I really am, but things for me turned out for the better" he nods and says "I just want you back in my life, I don't care if it's just as a friend. I miss you" I say "I miss you too. But I can't not right now. Not for another 8 months, until you know for sure if that kid is yours. I want you to know that when my children are born, you can come see them. But she can't be there. I want you to at least get to meet them once." He nods and says "If she wasn't preganant, and I would've been moving here, it was going to be a surprise, but now that's all ruined " I nod, and get up, and go out to my car and start drving home. I take the long way home. I need some time to clear my head.

Luke's P.O.V.
Danielle is gone for a long time, but I wouldn't expect this to be quick, it is a major thing after all. But if I know her, she will find a positive outcome to this situation, if anyone can. When I fell asleep, she still wasn't home, which means that they're having a really long talk.
(The Next Morning)
When I wake up, Danielle isn't in bed, so I go downstairs, I find her and Hannah in the kitchen.She hands me some waffles, and she looks happy. So I guess that whatever happened last night worked out for the better. Danielle looks up at me and says "Hey Luke, do we have anything going on for the next week?" I think for a second and say "No why?" She says "Well, I was thinking that I should go with Ryan and Hannah up to New York, and visit some of my friends and things, plus I can help them move down here. You're more than welcome to come with me" I smile and say "Well, a mini vacation it is, we will fly, because if we drive, you will make us stop every five minutes for you to go pee" She laughs a little at that, and she says, "Okay, great we leave this afternoon. I will book us a flight right now. Then go pack."I laugh, and finish eating, then the two of us go upstairs and pack. We finish packing, and I book us a hotel in Saratoga, which is 25 minutes away from where her parents live. We help Ryan and Hannah pack their things, and they head out. We should see them sometime tomorrow. It takes 18 hours to drive there. Danielle and I head to the airport around three in the afternoon. Once we get there, we check in, and then I go get some coffee, and Danielle gets a smoothie. We board the plane at 4, we have a connecting flight in Detroit, after our one hour and 10 minute layover. It takes us 4 hours and 20 minutes to get to Albany. We have an hour drive after we land in Albany. Once we get to the hotel, we shower then head to bed. Tomorrow Danielle has a girls day with all of her friends that she hasn't seen since the wedding.

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