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*Regina's POV**Time Lapse*
Today's December 23rd. Emma hasn't talked to me at all in the past 3 days. Tomorrow's our one year anniversary. I really hope we can talk at least for a little while. I was pulled from my thoughts by my phone ringing. "Hello?" I answered. "You are being called by a prisoner at Litchfield prison. Press one to accept their call or hang up." An automated voice said. I pressed one and waited. "Regina.." "Hi baby.." "Visiting day is tomorrow. It's all day. But don't bring Riley." "O-okay. I'll be there, my love." "Okay." "How much time do you have left?" "There's a long line. So, only a few minutes." "Okay.. Have you heard from any judges?" "We can talk about it tomorrow." "Okay." "I have to-" she was cut off by the phone cutting off. I sighed. It's 4:45 pm now. So, if I leave now, I can get to Litchfield around 1 am. Then, go to the prison as soon as I get up tomorrow. "Riley, baby, come here please." I shouted. She ran into the kitchen and smiled at me. "Alright baby. I have to go see someone tomorrow. So, I'm not going to be here tomorrow baby.. Im sorry." I said. She shrugged. "That's okay momma." She said. I smiled. "I love you momma." She said. I nodded. "I love you too." I said. She nodded and ran back out of the kitchen. I quickly called Kathryn and waited. "Hello?" "Hey Kathryn. This is Regina. I have to go see Emma tomorrow. I was wondering if you could come stay with Riley tonight and tomorrow?" "Sure! I'm on my way now." "Thank you. You're a lifesaver." She hung up and I smiled. I ran upstairs and started packing. I only need pajamas and an outfit for tomorrow. Then, makeup of course. I got my bag and went downstairs to see Kathryn and Riley. I smiled. "Alright. I'll be back tomorrow. I love you, my baby." I said. Riley smiled. "I love you too momma." She said. I smiled and left. I got in my car and smiled. Tomorrow.

I got to Litchfield at 1:25 and pulled into my hotel. I went up to my room and laid down, falling asleep almost immediately.

I woke up at 5:45 and smiled. I showered, then dried my hair and got dressed. I'm wearing leggings, a sweater and riding boots. I did light makeup and smiled at my appearance. I looked at my phone and my eyes went wide, seeing it's 7:30. Visiting day started at 7. I grabbed my phone and my wallet, then left and locked my hotel room. I left the hotel and got in my car. I smiled as I drove to the prison. When I got there, I parked and took a deep breath. It's 8 now. I went in, signed in, then went to a table. I heard Emma's name get called over the intercom. After a few minutes, Emma walked in and looked around. I stood up and her eyes fell on me and became glassy. She rushed over and pulled me into her arms, kissing me, hungrily. I pulled away when I felt tears against my cheeks. "Baby.. What's wrong?" I whispered and brushed my knuckles against her cheek softly. She nuzzled my hand and we sat down. "I just... I want to be with you so bad. I want to hold you in my arms at night. I don't want to be here. But your fucking sister.. She couldn't keep her fucking mouth shut." Emma said, voice raspy and tears trickling down her cheeks. I moved my chair closer to hers and grabbed her hands in mine. "Baby... I'm so so sorry. None of this was ever supposed to happen." I said, now crying myself and not being able to be upset with her for the last time I was here. "Regina... There are so many days where I just want to end it all. But.. You are keeping me alive. So, please promise me. When I get out... We'll be a family. You, me and Riley." She said, tears in her eyes. "Of course, Emma. I promise." I said and my voice cracked. She nodded. "I.. I love you Regina." She mumbled. A small smile spread on my cheeks and I nodded. "I love you too." I said, gently. She smiled and rubbed the back of my hand with her thumb. "You'll be 19 soon." She mumbled. I smiled. "And you're 32. Guess we're both getting old." I mumbled. "Hey." She said and squeezed my hand. I couldn't contain the smile on my face. "You're so beautiful." She mumbled and reached up to brush a piece of hair out of my face. "Hands to yourself, inmate." One of the guards snapped. Emma retracted her hand and rested it on mine. "I.. I go on trial soon.." She mumbled. "Yeah?" I asked. "Yeah.. Uh.. But... I don't want you to come. It'll be suspicious." She said. I nodded and she sighed. "I love you.." She said, quietly. "I love you too." I said, smiling a little.

After an entire day of only talking and holding hands, family day came to an end. It's 8 o'clock. We ate lunch and dinner from the vending machines. We stood up when the guard told Emma she had 5 minutes. "I love you." She said. I nodded. "I love you too." I said and she pulled me into a kiss. Then, we just held each other. "You have to promise me, no matter how bad things get, you will not kill yourself. I know we're both struggling with those thoughts, but we have to be strong. Because we will be a family soon." I said and held her tight. "I'll promise if you promise." She mumbled. "Deal." I mumbled against her neck. I pulled away and she smiled a little. A guard walked over and Emma wiped away her tears. "Go ahead and get one more kiss. Merry Christmas." The guard said, sweetly. Emma smiled and looked at me. We both leaned in and our lips molded together. I locked my arms around her neck and she put her hands on my hips. After several minutes, we pulled away. Both of us have tears in our eyes. Mine fell gently down my cheeks. Emma reached up and wiped them away. "Don't cry baby. I'll see you again soon." She said. I nodded and she smiled weakly. "I love you." She said, gently running her thumb under my eye. I smiled. "I love you too." I said. She smiled and pulled away. She left with a guard and I sighed. "Regina?" The nice guard said. I nodded and looked at her. "I'll walk you out." She said. I nodded and we started to walk out. "I heard Emma's going to trial soon." She said. "Yeah.." I mumbled. "Don't worry. She's a nice girl. She doesn't act out. She won't get long." She said. I nodded. "That's good to know." I said. "It is." She said. I nodded again and we left the prison. "Have a good night." She said. I nodded and got in my car, then drove back to the hotel. After getting my stuff, I decided to go back to Storybrooke immediately. It's 8:45. So, I'll get there around 4 am. I don't even care at this point. I just want to be home with Riley.

Out here on the ledge
I'm not far away from stepping off
I finally picked out my cloud
It's the one over there surrounded by all that air

You reached out your hand
And said "I understand"
So why not come down?

Well except for a few small bruises, cuts and scars I'm fine
Oh except for a few small bruises, cuts and scars I'm fine

Thank you for asking!
I'm so glad we had this moment here alone
I know they think I'm crazy
But everything I am, is everything I was taught to be


As you read my words out loud
Make me sound genius
Make me sound special
And mabye I'll come down...

Well except for a few small bruises, cuts and scars I'm fine
Oh except for a few small bruises, cuts and scars I'm fine

Thank you for asking!
I'm so glad we had this moment here alone
I know they think I'm crazy
But everything I am, is everything I was taught to be


As you read my words out loud
Make me sound genius
Make me sound special
And mabye I'll come down...

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