Chapter 6

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The next morning I woke up to a note on my bedside table. I picked the note up and read what it said.

My Dearest Yoko,

I have left for my mission already. I would like

you to know that no matter how long I am gone

for, please remember that I will always love you

and that I will think of you constantly. Please

wait for my when I get back. I promise you I

will be home as soon as I possibly can. Yoko, I

love you more than you will ever know. I will miss

you so much.

Love Always,


As I read the note I began to smile. Obitobi loved me, and I loved him. There will be no definite date that he will be coming back but he's going to try his best to come back quickly. I sighed as I thought of how much I missed him. I really do love Obitobi and being away from him for even a minute is torture, several days is death. I went to put the note back down on my table when I saw my bottle of iron supplements. I knew I should take one so I grabbed a pill and went out into the kitchen.

I set up the coffee maker to make lots of French Vanilla coffee and grabbed out one of my largest coffee mugs. I got out the milk, French Vanilla creamer, and sugar so that I would be ready as soon as it was done brewing. Once I saw the coffee maker stop brewing, I poured what you would think would be three servings into my cup, making sure to leave enough room for the milk, sugar, and creamer. I poured in a little bit of milk, about average of creamer, and about ten times the normal amount of sugar. I stirred my coffee gingerly and took a cautious sip to make sure it tasted alright. I gave a satisfied sigh and took a large sip. I then popped my iron into my mouth and had to take several sips to swallow it since I'm not good at swallowing pills. I looked at the clock in the kitchen and it read 8:14 AM. I grabbed my coffee mug and walked into the game room.

No one was in here this early in the morning and it kind of upset me. I had really been looking forward to playing video games with someone so that I could get my mind off of Obitobi. I waited for a few moments just sipping on my coffee before deciding that I should just start playing by myself. I looked over the hundreds of games that the Akatsuki had and picked out one of my favorites. I popped Champions of Norrath: Return to Arms into the PS2 and searched for my personal memory card. After finding it, I slid it into Card Slot 1 and loaded up my game. My character was an evil, level 10, female, Barbarian that I named Rin Kuro Chi which means “Cold black blood” since I thought it made sense with her being an evil barbarian. I played for about two hours, finishing my coffee only a few minutes after I started the game, until someone else showed up. I paused the game and looked behind me, seeing that Hidan was in the doorway.

“Whatcha playing, bitch?” He asked , rudely I might add.

“Champions of Norrath,” I told him as I continued playing.

“Hell! I'm playing! Bitch, hand me that controller!” I tossed a controller at Hidan and saw him riffling around for his own memory card. Once he found it, he put it in Spot 2 and I added his character to my party. We played and joked around for hours, playing, leveling up, and just having fun. I managed not to think about how much I miss Obitobi the whole time we were playing.

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