Micahaels story.

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    I'm Michael an 18 year old student of a graphic design school in the national college of art and design . My schooling was difficult . From an early age I had problems  with speech language and motor skills this meant that I was receiving special education support both within and out of school. I often felt as if I was stupid and I didn't fit in. There was this one guy in primary school that was particularly nasty to me and unfortunately he travelled on the same bus as me, giving him plenty of time to taunt me.

      I loved being  at home there I was safe and nobody could taunt me. Even though my parents often asked me about bulling I presume they saw me as a likely target . I didn't open up to them . They were working hard and I didn't want to worry them .

       I dreaded going to secondary school I didn't have many friends and I knew the taunting would continue . And it did . I will never forget that time it got nasty, my bully spread the rumour that I was gay and through an ominous website asked me questions about being gay I was petrified of what was going to happen next .

    While it true about me being gay , at 14 it was too much to cope with . There was one person I could turn to my -big brother . The school operated a big brother little brother programme and I wrote a note to him it described how lonely I was feeling and how I didn't want to go on. 

    It was the best note I ever wrote my 'big brother' Connor sent me a text within a few minutes and we met at the school canteen .then he did something I will never forget he travelled home with me on the bus that day . He spoke to the bully and showed him the note. The bully became really upset . We where never really friends but he was never nasty to me again

     When I was at my lowest ebb, I felt I couldn't turn to my parents but luckily there was someone I could turn to and it made all the difference to me . So I just want to tell anyone who is being bullied or feeling low or depressed talk to someone you can trust. You might even have a real friend like my 'big brother'  Connor.

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