Chapter 10 Part 2

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Mal's POV
I opened up the door i one...

Audrey: This is your mother's castle?

Mal: Yeah

Jane: It looks scary!

Mal: I guess mom isnt around here

Evie: Yeah

Jay/Carlos: I guess

Later on we hear footsteps going down

Lonnie: What was that?!

Carlos: I-i dont know

??? And ???: (Came down)

???: Hurry! Before mother of ill come back!!

???: Okay!! I'm coming!

???: (Bumps into Mal but was looking down) Uh h-hi m-mother its not what it looks like!!

Mal: It looks like you are escaping from mother!

??? And ???: (Looks up) MAL!!

Mal: Hey Allison and Stilles!

Allison: We missed you!

Mal: Me too! But are you escaping from mother?

Stilles: Yeah pls dont tell her!

Mal: I wont

(Everyone introduced themselves)

Ben: Since you guys are escaping why wont we head to Auradon?!

Stilles: thanks...i think no one will like us...

Mal: Come on guys! Auradon is a safe place mother will never know were did you guys go because it has a barrier!

Allison: Yeah come on Stilles pls!!

Stilles: Fine!

All: Yes!

Audrey: Ugh! We travelled and packed for nothing we never even lasted for one day!

All except Audrey: (Rolls their eyes)

Audrey: What?

(They all went back to Auradon)
Hey guys!
Sorry guys for not updating so soon but tomorrow i will update my stories yay!! I hope you like it!! Pls follow me I will appreciate that so much! S favorite, comment and most of all READ hehe! Bye guys!

Love ya!

If Only (Bal)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora