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As promised, a chronological time line can be found ahead.

It explains how to read the chapters from the prologue to chapter 6.

Everything beyond that will be accurate, so no more mixed up and confusing time line stuff!

→ 17th February: Chapter 1.2 
→ 18th February: Chapter 2.2 
→ 19th February: Chapter 3.2
→ 26th February: Prologue
→ 27th February: Chapter 4.2
→ 6th March: Chapter 5.2
→ 17th March: Chapter 3.1
→ 9th April: Chapter 4.1
→ 17th April: Chapter 1.1
→ 22nd April: Chapter 2.1
→ 25th April: Chapter 5.1

→ everything from this point on is in chronological order (chapter 6 → chapter 7 → chapter 8 → ...)

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