Cleaning His Room

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Everybody knows that Kuroba Kaito's parents are World Wide Theifs. Even though his mom used to hide the fact that his dad died because of being killed.
Nakamori Aoko, his best friend, found it out when she secretly cleaned up his room.

Kaito, that idiot! Thought Aoko as she cleaned up her best friends room.
Why is she doing this ? That's simple. Tomorrow is Kaito's birthday and Aoko wants to hide in his room and surprise him the next day. No. It is NOT like that , Aoko ! Kaito is away and Aoko has to give him the best birthday of his life !
Kaito WAS supposed to go home the next day because he has a heist that night. But Aoko didn't know that.

Kaito POV
Phew! I'm finally done with that heist. Inspector Nakamori was hilarious. Now all I wanna do i go home and sleep and ofcourse do Mondays homework.

3rd POV
Suddenly, Kaito's phone rang.
This is Keiko , have you seen Aoko ? She's supposed to have a sleepover today.
This confused Kaito. This is 11 pm and Aoko is gone. He decieded to go home, get changed and look for her, not even bothering to answer the text.

At Kuroba Residence
3rd PoV
Aoko was done cleaning Kaito's room when she realized there's a black curtain hiding one of the walls. Aoko thouht for a while... and when she decieded to open it, she heared a thumping noises.
Who could that be? Thoughed Aoko, terrified. No one could blame her, due to the fact that Kaito was supposed to be out and his mom was supposed to be outside Japan in who-knows-where. Without wasting more time , Aoko ran towards the bed and hid behind the blankets.

Kaito POV
Jeez Ahoko. She's goin' to pay for getting lost. Tch . Ahoko and her sense of directions. Hmm... thats weird.. I'm sure that I trashed this place before the heist ... oh well. Must've been Mom.
"MOM!!! I'M HOME !" She didn't answer me. That phantom lady...

3rd POV
Kaito then went straight to his room. Making poor Aoko scared. Maybe I should peek... just to make sure that its no theif. "KYAAAAA!!!! KAITO KID !!!!! " That got Kaito's attention. " Ahoko? Whatcha doing here ? " " What am I doing here ?! What are YOU doing here ?! " Aoko shouted back at the theif . She searched for her phone to call her dad. She dialed her dads number and- " Stop! Don't you dare call him! " Kaito half shouted . " He is my dad ! I have the ri-" Aoko was cut off by the sudden warmth in her lips. It took 3 seconds after the kiss for Aoko's brain to work again. " Look ,I can explain ," Kaito said calmly even though his head was still confused for what he had done. "Who are you... " Aoko muttered softly. It hit him like fish when he realized that he was still dressed as his alter ego. He wore his poker face and answered, " Do you really want to know ? " Before Aoko could even agree, he answered her, " I am Kaito Kid and- " " OF COURSE YOU ARE ! I am not stupid!" Aoko shot back. " Shaddap , Ahoko! " Only one person called Aoko that. " Bakaito? " Kaito took a deep breath and finally answered , " What? " " why Kaito? " He told her the story starting from who was his parents, then why his dad died .
When Kaito wanted to explain more , Aoko said, " wait. " So he did. She must be recovering from shock right now...
" HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! " Those words made Kaito speachless. All he said was, " what? " Then Aoko giggled. " Bakaito, don't get me wrong , I hate Kid and all but... if you're him... I can't hate him anymore ... can I? " she smiled . It was a simple Aoko-like smile. But to Kaito, it had been the highlight of his day. Then Aoko blushed scarlet red. Kaito's poker face had been gone when he started telling Aoko about his story. " Kaito... why did you...uhm.... you know.... " Aoko said as quiet as she can. Mustering all her courage, she finally said , " why did Kaito kiss Aoko? " Kaito thought for a while . He then grinned . " I didn't mean kiss you , idiot. I fell down and accidently do it. " Aoko felt like she'd been hit by a car. That feeling didn't last long. Despite Kaito's grin , he ruffled his hair and said, " So... that won't count as our first kiss ok? " Before Aoko could understand anything , Kaito smacked his lips into her. Kaito would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy it. Soon after , they broke the kiss. Aoko was beat red while Kaito had a little tint of pink in his face.
Then he smirked. "This is so much better than the last one ." Aoko finally smiled.
" I guess this is why I love you , Aoko. " Aoko smiled and reached out for his hair. Wrong move. Kaito flipped her skirt. "Whoa! Ahoko-chan is wearing lacy ones.... cute " "BAKAITOOO!!!! " Aoko chased Kaito accross the room with a mop she used to clean the place. They ran around like kids until 3 Am. When Aoko's dad called her and finally went home.

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