I woke up to the my alarm which read 5:30. I got up and felt the crisp Autumn air and rubbed Axel belly as he rolled over in front of me. I threw on some running clothes and looked outside as I saw the sun slowly start to rise.
Everyday I wake up early before school to walk Axel, and everyday it seemed like he kept getting more used to our usually routine. Now a days I would find him sitting in front of the door with his lease in his mouth already to go.
As I hooked his leash to his collar and opened the door Axel started to pull me outside. "Woah boy slow down!". Axel happily obeys me and we continue on our walk.
About ten minute had passed as a white van slowly stops in front of us. The door opens and a man gets out and approaches me while he is on his cellphone.
Naturally I step back and I'm prepared to run. I hear Axel start to growl as the man gets closer. "Are you Kate Smith?" he asks. My face forms a confused expression as I answer. "Yes, why?". He turns around and walks away as I hear him murmur something into his phone and then he hangs up.
I see z he has a gun inside of his jacket as I start to walk away. He turns around and sees me. "Wait stop!" I start to run and he gets into his car and drives after me. He pulls up in front of us and points the gun at me "Get in or I'll shoot" he yells as he gets out of the car".
I freeze in shock and I feel the sweat drip down my face. I drop Axels leash and slowly step forward. Axel starts to bark. "Shut up you stupid old dog" the man says as he shoves me into the back seat.
The window is still down as we start to drive away. Axel used to work with my dad in the police force so he was trained what to do in certain situations.
He starts to run next to the car and manages to jump through the window. He starts to bite the man and I feel the car come to an abrupt stop. "AH GET THIS DOG OFF OF ME!" He throws Axel to the car floor and I hear him Axel whine.
I try to get out of the car but it's locked. "Help! Help!" I scream but nobody can hear me. "Axel come!" I yell, and Axel quickly jumps into the backseat.
"Get rid of your dog!" the man says harshly. "No way, he can either stay or he could attack you again!" I scream through the tears. "Fine but if he does attack me I'm shooting both of you. "
Soon we start to drive way from the only place I ever felt safe.We seem to have been driving for hours and the entire time my face is buried Axel's fur as what seemed like millions of tears drip from my eyes.
We pull up to a normal looking house that is unusually isolated from any other houses. If there are any nearby.
End of Chapter One.