safe and soundn

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Niall's pov


Austin drove us to his house I hopped out closing the door following he opened the door stepping in ,I glance behind me ,I thought I saw glowing red eyes but when I turned back i saw nothing ,I shrug it off going in "austin why are we here?" I ask closing the door , he grabbed my hand dragging me up stairs ,I yank my hand out his when we were in his room. he closed the door looking at me with lust filled eyes .his hands snaked around my waist forcing me up against the wall "the hell get off mowoa"

he crashed his lips to mine "shut up" he mutters against my lips "no get off" I pushed him off but he pushes me back up against the wall ,as my head came in contact with the wall I let out a small whimper but was quickly muffled by his sloppy kiss. He moved to my neck biting down on the sensitive spot ,damn a hickey's gonna be there tomorrow. He stepped back and smirks seeing what he did "fuck you" I snap walking away ,he grabs my collar dragging me back "where do you think your going the funs just started " he chuckles pushing me unto the bed, I tried climbing up but he pushed me back climbing on top me "and FYI its fuck You" he crashes his lips back and fondling with the buckle of my jeans. Hell no "NO!" I yell trying to swat his hands away "shut up"he says zipping down my pants "s-stop" "I SAID SHUT THE FUCK UP!" He snaps slapping me across the face .tears fall from my face as he pulls down my pants then my boxers "please s -stop" I sob he pulls down his jeans and next thing I knew he was across the room lying on the floor unconscious

"people like you disgust me" the female standing before him said then turned to me I gasped at the familiar figure

Zayn's p.o.v

"Where are you going" kelly asks stopping me In the middle of the school yard "to see what going on I don't trust that guy" I mutter going to my car (*an*: mercedes benz) "I'm coming along I don't want you to do anything bad" she says before I could answer she was buckling up "wait for me!" I heard the others yell "drive!" Kelly yells I step on the gas not glancing back

------------------------------------- I followed the car to a house I saw niall get out following austin into the. House as the door closed we got out "zayn are you sure about whatever your going to do?" She asks I was about to answer when I heard niall yell stop and austin yell 'shut the fuck up' I turned but she was already gone. I followed behind her and to my surprise I saw austin on top of niall, I was so pissed I wanted to rip Austin apart. couldn't believe what I saw. When I came back to my senses I saw Kelly push him to the ground "people like you disgust me " she growls then turns to niall "are you ok sweetie did he-" she stops midway and stares at him blankly then her eyes close shut and she falls to the ground .I was puzzled at first until I saw it, a knife in her back and blood seeping through the huge gash .yep liam's gonna be pissed "bad choice dude" I said to austin shaking my head "back away malik I'll kill you too" he says holding the now blood drenched knife I chuckle rolling my eyes . Your just in time. "Three, two, one" "WHAT THE HELL" a now pissed liam yells looking at kelly lying an the floor . I nudge my head in austin's direction. in a flash he's holding austin up against the wall "the fuck is your problem" liam hisses austin glares back " you are my fucking problem you ass hole " Austin yells "I think its the wrong person you stabbed you see louis isn't here to control me so I can't stop and you just stabbed the one that could calm me down and knowing me I'm a man that looses his temper quickly " liam says in a dark voice"wh what are you" austin stutters now seeing liam's dark red orbs and fangs "liam he's not-" austin's blood curling screams interrupts me as liam sinks his fangs into his neck slowly draining austin's body of his blood . He let's go of the now dead boy's body letting it fall to the ground " ill be at the house" he lifts up kelly's body and flashing out I turn back to niall who was clutching to a pillow "let's get you home" I said reaching a hand "d don't k kill m me p please" he sobs . Seeing him in this fragile state makes me feel wait! Holy shit! Liam told me about this once


"how do you know you love her?" I ask liam as we sat on the back porch of his mansion everyone else was out hunting so it was only us"well you see zayn, as a vampire there are certain people you get attached to like when you see them everything suddenly stops and

your world revolves around them ,you'd do anything for them and you feel a sense of ...............connection like for instance look at me and kelly or louis and harry ,we didn't have to save kelly or harry but something inside us needed to it was like we couldn't live anymore without that person and if they died we would to" he smiles looking out into the forestry area the breeze brushing our faces "what is love?" I ask looking at him"you can't define love son it just happens" he chuckles"how" "you'll know when its your time" he gives me a warm smile "and when you find that special person you make them yours"

~~~~~~~~ end of flash-back~~~~~

So i guess the is what he meant . I decided to test it first so.......I kissed him and I didn't feel any sparks......they were like flucking torpedoes his eyes widened "w wh-" "your mine" I whisper turning his wrist , his eyes widen as my fangs come out"n-aaaaaah" he screams as my fangs Pierce his skin I pull away watching the blood trickle down his wrist ,I wanted more but I had to resist "here it'll help you heal quicker" I said using the knife to slash my wrist , he shook his head "niall I'm not letting die so either you drink it or I force you to" I said "n n n o" he stutters in pain "niall" I sigh "no" that's it "you wanna die" I ask he sighs before placing his lips to my wrist I guess he's scared of blood cause he faints damn it.

secrets ( zaill and larry ) with a sprinkle of lillyWhere stories live. Discover now