Why did I have to ruin everything?

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Why did I have to go and make everything awkward between the two of us? I just had to have her ask if you liked me! I screwed everything up once again! I should have never even fell for you in the first place... I wouldn't have if I knew this was gonna happen. I have probably lost my friend forever.

It's all my fault that we don't talk now. It's all my fault that you are awkward when we do. I bet you still like her and thats why you don't like me... You told me what she did to you and I hate that she did it! You said that you were trying to get over her and I thought that I might have had a shot. I was wrong.

I wish that I could take it all back. I wish that things were the way they were during spring break when we first met. We were friends then. Now I don't know what we are. I wish I knew what you do when I send you a text because I wan't to talk. Do you read it and then disregard it or do delete it without even looking at it?

A/N: So I had my cousin ask the guy that I like if he liked me back... he said no and that he just wanted to be friends. I was broken hearted and I still kinda am. So that's where this came from.

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