getting the tickets

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Hey my name is Jade, and it was my birthday yesterday, i had just turned 17 and my mum had told me that my suprise was coming later on today. I was so excited but couldnt help wanting to know what it is. So i decided that i was going to try it get it out of my mum.

"Mum. Please tell me what the supise is i cant take it anymore". I said trying to get my mum to confess up. 'Honey im sorry but your just going to have to wait until your suprise comes." This is always what she says when im trying to get something out of her. "How longs it going to be until my suprise comes though?" I whine at her. " It will be here when the post comes, so that is in about 10 minuits, can you wait 10 minuits to find out?" She asks. "Ughhh, yeah i suppose, i'll be in my room call me when my suprise is here okay". "Of corse i will honey".

When im upstairs i go one my laptop and decide that im going to do the last bit of homework that i need to finish for Monday, which i know isnt for 3 days but i just want to get it out of the way... if u no what i mean. Anyway as im just about to start writing, my mum calls me from downstairs saying that my suprise is here. When i herd her say the word 'suprise' i ran downstairs to where she was. But when i got down there all i saw was an envelope in her hand, i know it sounds selfish but i just expected a big box or something, but keeping the smile on my face i went over to her and got the envelope off her. I start to open the envelope and as i pull the stuff thats inside out, i suddenly saw tickets that said: One Direction: Front row seats, but that wasnt it as i pulled the tickets out two backstage passes fell out. When i realised what my mum had got me for my supprise for my birthday i screamed with happinness. That may have cause my mum to go deaf and my neighboughs to think i was being kidnapped but i didnt care because i had front row seat tickets to go see one direction, not only that but i had backstages passes aswell.

"OMG ,mum i love you so much, this supprise is so awesome. But can i ask you a question?" I was confused why there were two tickets and two backstage passes. "Of corse you can honey what is it". She kinda asked conserned. "I was just wondering why there were two tickets and two backstage passes". As i said that my best friend Mya walked in and shouted "Whos ready to go see 5 super sexy boys in concert, oh right thats who me and you" She litterally screamed that last bit into my face. But i was really shocked that my mum brought Mya a ticket aswell. So i asked my mum why she brought her one and she replied " Well i wasnt going to come with you and watch them and i certainly wasnt going to let you go all the way to London and watch them on your own was i?" I was so so so so happy that all i could do is scream and and run over to my mum and squeeze her in a tight hug.


So tonight is the night of the concert which i am buzzing for. Me and mya are getting ready at hers since her mum is taking us down to London. After we did each others hair and make up, we sorted through our outfits, Mya was wearing short denim shorts a bright pink belly top, with Cream heels, i on the other hand was wearing a black boob tube dress that went down to half of my thigh also with cream heels. It was about 10 minuits before we had to leave to go to London so we decided that we were going to tweet about going to see One Direction tonight.

We were in the car and we were singing to One directions album, even when it finished we just put it back to the start and listened to it again, we could tell that myas mum was getting anooyed with us but we were just to excited to even care.

Hi guys i know its short but just wanted to give you a quick chapter, i promise i will make the next one longer. Love you guys. Bye!! :) ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2015 ⏰

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