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For Things To Come

Story Inspired by R.C.Kil.

A woman softly speaks. "Alternate Reality, 142.  Earth, 2052. Running Tests...... Now."


A voice comes on over a PA system.

"Your mission may not be desirable. Your duty isn't for everyone. Wear that suit with pride, for the safety and lively hood of our species is in your hands...prepare for takeoff."

Three men sit in the cockpit of spacecraft, fully fitted in their space gear.

"Routine checkups right?" The man sitting in the far left seat said.

"Yup, continuing the galactic grind of a simple space surveyor." The middle man stated.

The first man said with a sigh, "Ever get tired of this? Constantly leaving Earth to...just float?"

"Come'on Chris. Shape up. This is your job, we cant have you loosing your mind right before take off!" The middle man snapped.

"Relax, both of you. Lets just do the mission and come back safe. Alright? Chris, don't worry, your family will still be here when you get back. Rusk, leave Chris alone. Not many people can make the week long trip as easily as you can."  The third man said calmly.

Rusk teased. "Yeah i guess your right. Sure am glad we have Thame on this trip. Not sure what we would do without our 'dad'.."

The PA system comes back on. "Gentlemen, attention. Liftoff in T-minus 5 minutes."

The 3 man crew gets settled into their seats and start assembling their harness and belts. The cabin was cozy, close quarters was the usual for these trips. The ship was long in length, plenty of room for 3 beds, a cooking center and the basic bathroom essentials. These ships were made so that the crew could comfortably live for a month before things get tight. So a simple week long deployment is a cake walk for these machines.

"Alright men. Time to fly." Thame said confidently, cracking a slight grin as he stares out the front windshield off into the light blue sky.

Chris said softly, "Yeah..lets go..."

All three men starting adjusting the switches, preparing the ship for the final spacecraft inspection. Chris, Rusk, and Thame all manage their respective tasks.

The ship powers up. The cockpit lights up with several different colors as the control panels turn on. Each of the monitors above the crew flicker on. The screen show different angles outside of the ship, each cycling through to the next camera feed.

The PA comes on again, "Alright men. All eyes are on you. The lights are bright. Do your job, we'll see you soon."

The men look at each other and nod.

Chris softly mumbles to him self, saying a quick prayer. Rusk leans back in his seat, staring up into the ominous blue sky. Thame is silent, taking in the moment.

The cabin is deathly quiet as Chris's soft words come to an end.

"Are we ready?" Thame asks with confidence in his voice. He smiles and says louder "ARE WE READY!?" trying to pump up the crew. Rusk and Chris both crack a smile.


"Good, lets get this baby in the sky."

Each member starts walking through their start up protocol. Engines start turning. Pressure in the cabin stabilizes. Everything flowing like clockwork. The men look at each other, nod, and Rusk slowly raises the throttle.

"We have lift off."


A deep voice speaks.

"These fine men, these...'space surveyors', their purpose is to patrol and review the settlements that the human race has sprouted. These creatures, humans, seem to want to expand further than their abilities. Its funny how they believe they can colonize on other planets when its taken 4 World Wars before they became peaceful."

Soft laughs come from within the black room.

"One human, one tiny minded being is all it takes to destroy that galaxy. They have no idea of the powers the other planets withhold."

The laughing stops.

"Highruler. As overseer of the..."

The speakers clears their throat. and pauses..

"I know that we need to intervene..."

A tall, slender being stands up and proceeds to walk toward the one speaking.

"Are you questioning me? Your superiors, your leader?"

The first being cowers back slowly.

"N... no... I fear for the safety of Sector 187...those "humans" cannot be trusted... Do you not see this?"

The taller being quickly puts his hand on the first ones shoulder and pushes him down, forcing him to be on his knees.

"I praise your boldness, Tilan, but you have overstepped your authority. Immediate termination."

The room fills with gasps.

"But sir i didn-"

The body falls limp, crashing to the floor.

"Anyone else here believe that the happenings of Sector 187 are not under control?"

The room stays silent

"Good. Resume normal activity. I will select a new overseer of the project. It would be wise to stray away from your fallen brothers thinking."

The tall slender being walks out of the room. Two sliding doors quickly shut behind him. A lone spotlight is left on, illuminating the lifeless body on the floor. The room starts to stur, emptying out quickly.

The body remains.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2015 ⏰

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