Chapter 10

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Jenny's POV

"I was just hugging him! Calm your tits!" I exclaimed.

He's acting like he's caught me in the the act of cheating. I see a confused look on his face. Ooh, he doesn't know what tits mean.

"Thomas out!" He yelled.

Thomas didn't wait around to disobey his orders and wasted no time leaving.

"Kevin you too." Peter told Kevin.

Kevin hopped off the bed and made his way to the door. I picked him up and put him on my lap.

"He stays here, whatever you can say you can say in front of him." I tell Peter.

He lets out a frustrated sigh and says,

"Fine. You cannot have any type of special relationship with any of the boys. It is what distracts them from their everyday routine and it makes them weak-" Peter started but I interrupt.

"What are you talking about? I'm not interested in Thomas or any of the lost boys, so why the hell are you in my tent giving me a damn lecture about relationships!" He irritates the living hell out if me!

"I'm just warning you so don't take that tone with me." His eyes darken a little.

"Whatever." Is all I say then I walk out the tent with Kevin in my arms.

"Kevin go stay with Thomas and tell him I'll be back in a bit." I told Kevin. He nodded and skipped off as I put him down.

I need time to think. I walk away into the forest. Five minutes into the walk I hear a noise. I quickly turn around and pull out my dagger from my boot.

What was that? Hopefully that was my imagination because I don't want to deal with anything else today, I'm tired.

I turn around to get back to my walk only to bump into something. Well someone.

"Ugh, Pan I'm honestly done with your shit, can you please move!" I yelled.

"I never knew a lady could have such colorful language." Oh that's not Pan, it's that guy with the eyeliner! Whatever his face is, um Captain... Hook!

"Oh I thought you were Pan." I said.

"Wow that is the first time I'm mistaken for a demon like Pan." He brought his hand up to his chest with mock hurt.

"Haha, he isn't that bad." When he isn't trying to kill someone.

"Really? I saw him dangle you over a cliff that below had treacherous waters and blood thirsty mermaids." Well when you put it that way...

"Anyway I didn't come here to chitchat I came here to make a deal." He said.

"What makes you think I'm going to make a deal with you?" And to answer my question someone behind me put a knife around my neck.

"As I was saying, you get a magic bean from Pan and give it to me and I'll take you with me to the Enchanted Forest."

This is such a lame attempt to scare me into making a deal with him.

"I like it here, I don't want to grow up so therefore, no deal." After I finish my sentence I kick the person behind me and push him to a tree, knocking him unconscious.

"You'll come around I'm sure of it." He said.

"Then I guess you're going to wait a while." I turned and started walking back to camp.

"I never caught your name still!" Hook called.

"Never gave it to you!" I shouted back.


- At Camp -

"Where were you?" Pan asked for the millionth time. He seems to ask that question a lot. I roll my eyes without answering.

"Hello? Are you deaf? I'm talking to you!" He shouted.

"Why are you ignoring me?" Pan says becoming agitated.

I slowly turn around and look him in his forest green eyes and give him a blank expression and say, "I want to go home."

"This is your home, love, you had nothing to live for back where you came from remember?" He says dangerously calm and keeps walking toward me.

I keep walking backwards until I attempt to turn around and walk away but he grabbed onto my wrist and pulls me to his chest.

"Also remember this... You are mine."

The last time he said this he wouldn't let me go home, and if I went home sooner my father wouldn't be dead.

"What the fuck did you just say?!" I yelled pushing him off me.

"You damn well heard what I said. Everything on this island is mine, you being part of it!" He started getting angry.

"I belong to no one! You're delusional if you think that you can own me!" I'm fucking tired as it is, I don't need this.

Without waiting for him to say anything else I stormed to my tent.

I roughly open the flap to the doorway and angrily pace my room.

Who does he think he is owning people like their toys and using them for no good? Something's not right in his head. What kind of person does this?

A monster. My mind says.

No it's not fair to call him a monster, no one deserves to be called that, not even Pan.

You're just saying that because you like him.

Yeah, I know but it's true.

I was sitting on my bed at this point. Does Peter really care about me? Maybe he was just concerned for my safety. Yeah that must be it.

"Jenny? Are you still in there?" I very well know who that is.

"Yeah I'm in here." I call back.

I see him enter the tent and he looked like he was about to say something by the look on his face.

"I know, I know, you were only worried about my safety and didn't want me to get hurt." I said before he told what he was going to say.

He closes his mouth and nods. He walks over and sits next to me on my bed.

"But that's not all I had to say. I'm sorry I blew off on you like that, I didn't mean it, it was wrong of me to do such a thing." Did Peter Pan just apologize? To me? Of all people?

I look into his eyes to see if there was a small part of him that was lying. Once I find that there is no ounce of lies in his eyes I say,

"It's okay I forgive you." And I decided to be gutsy and go for a hug.

He hesitates but wraps his arms around me. This gave me the opportunity to smell him, not like that's creepy or anything I'm just breathing.

He smells like the forest and... Cologne? Where did he get that from?

"Um Jenny?"

"Yes Peter?"

"Are you smelling me?"


Hey guys sorry for the delay! :( I was sick last week and it was just a nasty cold then on top of that I had writers block, UGHHH! But every once in a while I added on little by little and tonight I have the whole chapter done, FINALLY! Again I'm sorry.

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