Chapter 2

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Miley woke up in a panic not feeling any of her children against her. As soon as she was sitting up in bed she could see they had Just shifted while sleeping. She slowly moved each child up onto the pillows and tucked their bodies under the covers. She heard shuffling on the other side of the locked door and then silence. Miley grabbed her cell phone and read the new text

Adam: How dare you. I will get you when I get back from work. I will always find you my stupid wife.

Miley hit the lock button quickly when she read what he always called her. He's gone at work. Miley leaned back into the purple velvet love seat and fought back tears. She then called her twin sister Becky Sweets Who happened to be a real estate agent and had been looking for houses away from Houston Texas. It was 6 in the morning and luckily Becky answered after the first ring.

Becky: Hey Miley I found a perfect place its in Kelso Washington but I can have you on airplane in four hours.
Miley: That would be perfect I will have the children and I ready and at the airport by 8:30
Becky: See you there. Bye
Miley: Bye

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