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Before all good stories, there's a getting to know a narrator page. So here it is, people. My name is Avalyn Crawmer. I am a beast, an undesirable piece of meat. I'm not your ordinary beast, the one everyone imagines to look Chewbaca, and thinks they want to chew your eyes out. I like to believe I'm more like a butterfly, or a fairy. But instead of thriving off of pollen, or fairy dust, I thrive off of blood.  Well, we all do, really. It all started when I was nine years old. I was a normal girl, just enjoying  life as I skip through a medow in my flowy skirts. Man, have times changed. Skirts are so over rated. Anyway, I was picking a flower for my mum, when I fell over backwards. A large, black cloud hovered over me and I just watched, as my Uncle Tom fell out. His transylvanian voice always scared me as a kid, but it specifically made this story extra-ordinary. He picks himself up, and sits himself down next to me, brushing the grass off his Tuxedo, and smoothing his black hair back with some extra gel he kept in his coat pocket. It really wasn't a good look for him, I have no idea why he kept dying his hair black. In every childhood photo I've seen, he's had blonde hair lighter than mine was at the time, and he was tanner than me. It's beyond me how he got so pasty. He continued cleaning himself up for a good five minutes or so, until he finally said "So, Avalyn, dear. I bet you're wondering why I'm here, aren't you, darling?"

Being the sarcastic child I was, I said "Why, yes, wouldn't you? I mean you just fell out of a cloud. What in the world is going on? Why didn't you visit us or call us after you ran out of your 26th birthday party?"

"Well, you see, that's why I'm here. It has been brought to my attention your golden birthday is coming up in a few days, my deary." He said, putting his mysterious fingers together. They were painted black, to match all of his clothes. Studly. 

"What about it?" I questioned. What a freak show? I bet you're wondering, how'd he fall out of a cloud? I was nine, so I didn't think to ask. We'll get to that later.

"Well, you see, Avalynn. May I call you Ava?" he asked.

"Yeah sure whatever, continue." I said, even though I hate being called Ava. 

"Okay, Ava. I-I.. I ran away on my 26th birthday because I turned into a vampire. It's in the Crawmer bloodline, that if you're born on an even numbered day, you will lose control of your body, and turn into beast. I guess nobody had the curtiousy of telling me, but that is why I ran away. So I didn't hurt anyone. I am the only living vampire in the bloodline today, as you know Grandpa George died*," he said* with air quotes "a few years ago. Well, you can't live forever in the mortal world, so he's just staying in the Volducts. Yes, yes, I know you don't know what those are. They're where the old vampires go, and live together. It's more less like a giant  city. Basically, they stop needing blood, because they've stocked up on it in the younger years. When you bite somebody, you don't turn them into a vampire. That's a myth. What happens is, you kill them. Now, I guess you better say goodbye because you're coming to live with me. Chaplin said so, and he is our leader." 

I know what you're thinking, but I won't protest. I want to go, and I want to explore. So off I go!  

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2013 ⏰

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