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Evies pov
Hi! I'm Evie I'm 13 years old I've lived in Georgia all my life along side my best friend Caleb you may know him from the YouTube channel Bratayley! Anyways our parents knew each other since way back and were so close in age we instantly clicked. The thing about this friendship is I've liked Caleb for the longest time now and he still doesn't know I don't know what to do but I'll figure out something.

At Their "secret hide out"
Calebs pov
"So what are we gonna do today?" Evie asked laying her head down in my lap staring at the little waterfall that runs into a little stream as we sat on the big rock we always sit on "Well I have a baseball game today and then that new haunted house just opened." I suggested her head shot up and her face full of excitement "Oh my god I totally forgot about that haunted house we should totally go please." She begged with her puppy dogs eyes knowing I can't resist that, I mean if you saw them you wouldn't say no either "Fine, BUT.." I began smirking "Ugh fine I'll buy you Taco Bell." She said laughing "Yay!" I said clapping my hands together she looked at me and then I looked at her and we began to cry because we were laughing so hard and walked back to my house. As soon as we walked in Hayle ran to Evie "EVIE!" She said jumping on her "Hi Hayle." She said laughing and hugging her back "Annie Evies here." I said laughing "OMG EVIE NO WAY?!?!" She said running downstairs also jumping on Evie "Hi Evie." My mom says smiling while drying her hands off with her yellow towel "Hey Mom." She said laughing (she practically lived at our house and we've known each other for so long that my parents are like her parents and her parents are like my parents.) We went upstairs and she plopped down on my bed and picked up the maze runner while I sat at my desk waiting for Minecraft to load "So my parents were thinking about having a pool party tonight and from what I've heard my bestie and his family are coming." She said drawing my attention to her "Well you know we always do so why would you even question it?" I said laughing while spinning in my chair "Oh by the way um... Brandon might be there so try to be as nice as possible." "BRANDON?!" I thought jealousy spread through my veins like a wildfire "Ok cool I was thinking about bringing Makayla if that's ok." I said try to make her jealous as well "Oh um sure my parents won't mind the more the merrier right?" She said sarcastically laughing "Well I guess I'll see you at the baseball game." She said grabbing her jacket and phone "Why you leaving?" "Oh uh Brandon wanted to talk to me about something but I will be at the baseball game WITHOUT Brandon." She said kissing my cheek "Ok see ya then." I said kissing her cheek back and with that she left the room. Maybe mentioning Makayla wasn't such a good idea....

Evies pov
MAKAYLA!!!!! God I can't stand her she's so stuck up and rude and so not Calebs type at all.... Wait no I should be happy for my best friend even though I want him to be happy with me... I unlocked the door and walked upstairs to my room as my little lab puppy followed I changed into a gray shirt some light washed skinny jeans and a pair of uggs I curled my hair and applied a gray bow in the back and walked downstairs and went outside in the back yard and sat down in the grass my parents and little brother haven't come home yet so I decided to just let my feelings out "Maybe Caleb wants someone better yeah he deserves better all I am to him is his best friend and nothing greater." I said as I felt a few tears fall down my face "Evie is that you?" I heard Calebs voice coming over the fence "Oh um yeah it's me." I said quickly wiping off my mascara that was running "Are you crying did Brandon do somethin?!" He asked getting angry "No Caleb I wasn't crying nothing's wrong." He hopped over the fence "Yeah there is tell me." Oh man! I can't tell him why I was crying so I quickly made up a lie " I was watching this movie and this girl really loved her best guy friend but he ended up falling for someone else and left her heartbroken." I said beginning to cry again to ease him into believing it. "Oh well you know what I told you about movies like that Evie they're just movies nothing more nothing less just a producer with a camera writing the script for people to act." "Yeah I guess so." DING DONG I heard go through out the house "Brandon's here." I said getting up wiping off the grass on my pants "Oh well I'll see you in a couple hours then I guess." "Ya know it." I said lightly punching his shoulder he laughing hugged me and hopped back over the fence as I ran to the door "BRANDON!" "EVIE!" He mimicked Brandon was what every girl dreamed of having and what every guy wanted to be he was tall, tan, blonde, has braces and dimples TO DIE FOR and over all a great guy but he wasn't my Mr.Right he was my Mr.Almost I guess you could say my Mr.Right is in the house right next door playing on his computer probably listening to the elevator music on Minecraft while killing zombies with his friends. "So what are we gonna do tonight." "Well I'm going to Calebs baseball game and then me and him are going to the haunted house then I'm meeting you back here." I said snuggling up to him on the couch as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders "Oh why do you always hang out with him?" He asked kinda angrily "He's my best friend." I said "Well I don't want you hanging out with him." "Um excuse MOM I didn't know I can't hang out with my best friend because my so called boyfriend is afraid he's better than him." I said getting off the couch "Excuse me but he's not better than me sorry." He said rolling his eyes "Ok fine if he's so not better than you which he is then we're through." "Fine I was thinking of breaking up with you for Makayla instead anyways." He said laughing walking to the door "HAVE FUN GETTING AN STD!" I screamed which was a huge and I mean huge mistake he turned back around he pushed me up against the door "DONT YOU EVER TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!" Then he slapped me and left laughing I slid to the ground as I held my cheek and began to cry I really needed Caleb right now so I grabbed everything and ran next door "Mom.. Where's Caleb?" I asked trying to make it look like I wasn't crying "Sweetie are you ok?" She asked completely concerned "I just need him right now." "Ok I'll get him." "CALEB!" She said from downstairs he came downstairs with someone behind him... MAKAYLA! "Evie are you ok?" He asked as he walked me upstairs and sat me down on his bed "I need to talk to him in private." I said looking at her "Uh no." She said laughing "Uh yeah." I said "Caleb are you not gonna tell her to leave?" I asked looking at him "Uh..." "Ok fine "best friend" don't expect to see me at your baseball game oh and to let you know me and Brandon broke up and I needed you right now so goodbye." I said walking out.
Calebs pov
I was getting ready for my baseball game when my mom said someone was here to see me. I heard someone running up the stairs thinking it's Evie and then Makayla came in. "Hi!" She said hugging me tightly. "Let go of me!" I thought "Hey." I said returning to getting ready "Well I'm coming to your baseball game." "No you're not why do you not get that I don't like you." "Well fine I like Brandon anyways so bye." She answered rudely "Caleb Evie needs you!" I ran downstairs Makayla followed and me her and Evie walked upstairs and sat down "I need to talk to him in private." Evie said "Uh no." Makayla said "Uh Yeah. Caleb are you not gonna tell her to leave." Evie said "Uh...." Was all that came out of my mouth "Ok fine "best friend" don't expect to see me at your baseball game oh and to let you know me and Brandon broke up and I needed you right now so goodbye." She said walking out. I ran after her and stopped her in the hallway. "Leave me alone!" She said holding her cheek for some reason "What are you hiding?" I asked her she slowly moved her hand "He um slapped me." She said almost in a whisper. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" I screamed "No... Look I got to go since Makyala is here and I'm guessing y'all are back together so I'm gonna go." "Wait what?!" I asked her laughing "You think me and Makayla are together as in a couple??" I asked still laughing "Yeah what's so funny?" "I hate her." I said "Wow Caleb you're a douche." Makyala said laughing "Goodbye forever." She said walking out laughing.

You promised!!// A Caleb Bratayley storyWhere stories live. Discover now