Chapter 13: It Was Fun Playing With You

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When I got back from the art class, Georgie took one look at my face and knew what had happened. In an instant, she pulled her cell phone out of her pocket, and called Sara for emergency backup, and the two of them sat on either side of me while I cried.

I allowed myself this day of wallowing.

And then I tried to harden my heart and move on. I had experienced "moving on" from Carlos, back when I was a teenager. I knew how to toughen up and set my emotions aside.

But I couldn't help but hope that Jake and I would get a second chance.

A week passed. I bought Christmas presents for Roberto, my friends, and my family. I saw things that would be wonderful for Jake: a blue scarf that would match his eyes, art supplies, books of photography of Santa Barbara. I didn't buy him anything, but I kept thinking about him. Rob and I put up a little Christmas tree. We decorated. I went to Rob's Winter Pageant, where he wore a Santa hat and sang "Jingle Bell Rock."

But I never saw Jake. Each day, I heard him leave, following his regular routine of early morning workout, then early to work. But he came back later and later, and he never knocked on my door. I made sure never to go out when I heard him coming or going.

I missed him.

The guy in the car outside my house stayed parked there, watching my door most days. I was almost used to him now. I'm sure it was pretty boring watching my door. Still, Carlos could spend his money however he liked.

About one o'clock on the Monday of the first day of Roberto's winter break, my phone rang. I was writing and Rob was reading a book. It was Amelia.

"Lucy, is there any chance that you can come in today? Carlos's attorney set an emergency ex parte hearing for tomorrow, and we need to prepare."


"He filed a request for emergency orders that he gets Rob over Christmas break."

Why? Why would he do this? That asshole. "He goes twelve years without having him on Christmas and he wants him now? You can't be serious."

"I am. Can you come in?"

I thought for a second. I needed a babysitter. But I couldn't call my mom. She was at work and this was the busy season for grocery stores. Sara would be busy at Macy's, working overtime. Georgie was going crazy at work doing year-end bookkeeping for the automotive parts dealer she worked for. "I don't have a babysitter. Can Rob come and wait in the lobby?"

"It's probably going to be most of the day and into the evening. Let me see if Jake can do it. He just finished up a case." Before I could stop her, she had put the me on hold. I stewed about my legal troubles with Carlos. I didn't have time to think about Jake right now. I trusted him with my kid for a few hours. I just didn't trust him with my heart.

"He'll be over in a few," she said. "I'll see you when you get here."

And before I could protest, she hung up. Shit. What have I done?

About a half hour later, there was a knock on the door and Jake was there, dressed in jeans and a t-shirt.

"Hi," he said. "I hear you need an emergency babysitter."

I nodded. "Thanks. Come in."

He walked in my home and looked at me. I looked at him and did not know what to say. The last time he was in my entrance way, I kicked him out. The time before, I fucked him.

I let out a breath. "You had time to change out of your suit?"

"I figured I shouldn't watch Rob in a tie."

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