Pretty Sure Pizza Was Supposed to be Involved

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"Wahoooo!" crowed a loud drawn out cheer. Three girls sitting around a telly with the radio blasting just finished an intense round of video games with much yelling and shoving. The one who shouted, a blonde with a septum piercing was grinning so brilliantly, surly her cheeks were beginning to ache.

"I told ya! No one can beat me in Mario Cart, yeah. I'm undefeated!" She bellowed the last word as she threw her arms into the air. She began to make crowd cheering noises all while running around the flat. The other two girls shared a look and grinned devilishly. Cortina, a girl with aqua highlights, shot to her feet and dashed after the show boating blonde with a fierce battle cry. She launched herself at the other girl and before the unsuspecting victim could dodge they fell to the ground with a loud thud.

"Ugh! Cort get offa me, yeah? You way a metric ton!" Mary Anne shouted between grunts of laughter.

"In coming!" Shouted the third girl as she belly flopped on top of the two holding a couch cushion to protect her paper skin and glass bones. Both girls grunted when she landed on top of them laughing manically.

The choice pterodactyl screech that sounds throughout the flat when the door is opened started the trio. They scrambled to see who it is and upon seeing a black kid with a swallow tat on his neck they all leapt towards him chorusing. "Curtis!"

He laughed as he was covered in hugs and kisses and pats and he was pretty sure someone licked him. "Ugh, really?" A snort and a giggle escaped the red head as she stepped back with her tongue sticking out of her mouth.

"Guin! That's disgusting." He commented wiping the spit off his face. The girl shrugged her shoulders and grinned.

"I know. I'm a disgusting human being." He rolled his eyes fondly as he pushed the other two off him and made a bee line for the kitchen. The girls drifted back to the living room when Curtis remembered to pass a message to them.

"Better get dressed. Irene said if she gets here and you're all still in ya skivvies there will be hell to pay." He grabbed a package of lemon slices snack cakes and fixed a class of water.

"She said she'd be here at one, we have time, Curtis. Don't freak us out yea?"

With an unimpressed look Curtis took a bite out of his snack cake. "Cort, its 12:55. How long were you three on the game?"

At the mention of the time the girls balked and rushed to their respective rooms. "Oh my god! Irene is going to slaughter us. She's been planning this for like ever." Guinevere shouts as she rushes off to her room. She trips on the books scattered across her floor as she searches for her jeans.

"I don't understand why she wants us to go, yeah. I mean I was under the distinct impression that our presence annoyed her." Commented Cortina as she took her time looking through her closet.

"Don't you know that's how she shows her love, Cort? She pretends to hate us but when we don't look she stares at us fondly, wishing she didn't love us but doing so anyway! Isn't that right Mary?" shouted Guinevere again as she slid into her mostly clean jeans.

"Yeah that's right! Oi, has anyone seen my fedora? I can't find the bloody thing." Mary Anne's voice raises in irritation and loud crashing echoed though the flat.

"Calm yourself, Mary. It's here, on the coat rack." Called Curtis around a mouth full of snack cake. As she made her way into the foyer, Guinevere and Cortina emerged, dressed and ready to go as well. Just as they were getting ready to settle back in the door burst open and a tall girl with long dreads filled the door way. She looked over each person and nodded in satisfaction that they were all dressed.

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