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Isabelle Jones has always dreamed of living in Europe since she was a child.

After getting a university degree in Marketing at the age of twenty-two, she decides to move to Paris but cannot find a job other than a waitress at a renowned french restaurant.

On her first day, she serves twenty-five year old Sebastien connor and finds him rude, arrogant and down right obnoxious.

Unable to contain her anger, Isabelle snaps at him, calling him as A$sh0le along with other profanities, not realizing that the man she is insulting is not only the owner of all restaurants on Les Champs-Elysees including the one she works at but is also one of the richest men on planet earth with businesses all over Europe, Asia and the U.S.

Isabelle ends up being fired and can't find another job in Paris, all her life-long dreams of leading a parisian life are crushed and is left with no choice but to return home to Chicago.

Fast forward ---> three years later, Isabelle is sick of her job as a Marketing Manager for A&CO, she is constantly harrassed by her pervert 54 year-old employer Ned. She is extremely happy when she lands an interview for one of the best Marketing companies in the world but when the day of the interview rolls around Isabelle is shocked to find out that she is getting interviewed by none other than the devil himself, Sebastien Connor.

~~~~~~ COMING SOON~~~~~~

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