Chapter two - Yup, I'm Jobless

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I groaned as I woke up recalling events from the previous day.
Yup, I was officially Jobless and I had no idea what to do.

I slowly got out of bed and headed for the kitchen.

"It's about time you got up!" My best friend said as he spotted me, he was sprawled across the couch watching Keeping up with the Kardashians.

"Good morning to you too" I glared at him, I was not a morning person.

"Psh. Please! It's 2 p.m" he waved his hand and laughed.

I lived in a small apartment with my best friend Stefan, he and I became friends since we were in first grade when he asked if he could play with my barbies.

Stefan is really good-looking and I am sure I would've fallen for him already if he wasn't gay.

I munched on my nutella toast and positionned myself next to him on the couch.

"You know? I envy these Kardashian girls, they are rich and famous and they don't do anything! Maybe I should get a show like that since there are no decent jobs out there!" I complained to my best friend. These girls had no talent, but had big butts, I had a big butt too how come I was not rich by now?!

"Aw Belle.. I am sure you'll find a good job! I mean look at you.. you're smart and intelligent... you just had some bad luck.. with your bosses in the past but I am sure it won't happen again! Don't worry okay?" Stefan smiled at me and pulled me into his chest.

I sighed and nodded.


It's been two weeks since I quit and I still can't find a job, the bills were stacking up and I was running out of money so I really needed to find a job immediately.

My phone rang snapping me out of my thoughts, I wonder why Stef is calling me this late, he was out at some gay night club.

"Hey Stef what's up?" I answered


"What?" I said not sure where he was going with this

"SAY IT BELLE" he groaned

"Fine, You're The bestest nicest and most handsome person I know? now what?" I said confused

"I GOT YOU AN INTERVIEW AT PrimeMarketers!!!!" He said screaming

"Wait what? How?" I said trying to contain my excitement

"That's for me to know and for you to find out! muhaha"

"No seriously Stef! Tell me" I yelled at him

"Isleptwiththeceosbrother" He said really fast and I couldn't get a word

"STEF!" I groaned, annoyed

"Fine Fine Fine! Let's just say I had se.. um.. I mean I am friends with the ceo's brother so I talked to him about you and he said he could get you an interview there!" he answered

"Oh my god Stef, thank you so much you're the best!" I said excitedly.

"No problem Belle and yeah I know I am" he said and even though I couldn't see him I could tell that he was smirking.

I rolled my eyes but smiled,
PrimeMarkters was one of the best Marketing companies in the world I couldn't believe that Stefan got me an interview there.

Now I just needed to impress whoever it was that was going to interview me.

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