Chapter Thirty Nine

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'Fay-her leg, It's infect-'

'SHUT THE FUCK UP, VICTOR!' Fay screams, Victor flinching his hand back that was reaching for Fay. Her eyes piercing into him, red rimmed and tear filled. It was a sight no one could bare seeing, Fay on her knees before her infected sister she was holding in her arms.

They needed to somehow tear her away from her sister, it was now a matter of life and death! Either they continue to let hold her sister that will turn at any moment, or get her away from her as quick as possible and put this poor girl out of her misery.

But Fay isn't letting go anytime soon, Ellis and Jane understood Fay and knew the pain she was feeling. They were angered when they would try and approach the siblings and tried taking Chelsea from her. She's about to die, to turn back into one of them things Fay worked half her life with.

Of course they all knew she would let go, she has experience with this and knows limits. But this time, now it's a relative that's come to her. It's going to be harder than expected.

Victor sighed heavily, turning back to the group with a shrug. No on really knew how to do this, but had enough sense to know Victor isn't making matters any better.

He forced himself to turn back, hands turns into fists as he swallowed hard. The sight of the littler tightly wrapping her little arms around Fay's neck and both crying into one another's grip was enough for Rochelle and Zoey too wipe tears threatening to fall.

'FAY-She's already gone-'

'NO! WE CAN HELP HER, CUT HER LEG OFF BEFORE THE INFECTION SPREADS!' Fay chokes out in sobs cutting her words off. Frantically smoothing her hands over Chelsea's dirt and tear covered face. Chelsea continued to let out small sobs, her body tired with every unable and exhale.

'Fay-please, we both know with the amount of time she's spent out here, that's it's spread throughout her body! You worked in this center, you know her face isn't meant to look purple and brown! She's dying, and she'll die slowly and painfully if we don't-' Chelsea only sobbed harder as Johnny tried stepping in, Fay finally snapped her head up to them. Her body shaking violently in annoyance and fear.

Johnny's eyes widened at the deadly glare Fay darted onto him, backing away while surrendering to her. Shoving his way back to Rachael's side.

'WE CAN HELP HER-STOP FUCKING SAYING THAT SHITSHE'S FINE!' Fay screamed, enough for goosebumps to rise on the skins of the groups bodies and hairs to raise.

Rachael saw the hurt on her boyfriends face, staring at the crying pair in their grips. She bit her lip, contemplating if this is a good decision or not to intervene. But the longer she waited, she more she pushed away the sick feeling gurgling and stepped out of Johnny's grip.

He reached for her, trying to stop her from going further. It didn't stop Rachael, Fay glancing up at her with sad eyes and quivering lips stopping Rachael dead in her tracks. The sick feeling came back, the look she gave her was heartbreaking.

'She's going to die and turn in your arms-Fay! please, we-we can't loose you!'

'I CAN'T LOOSE HER! SHE'S MY EVERYTHING!' Fay screeches, wailing at the group with loud heaves of air. Ellis felt like his heart was in his throat, he need to swallow thickly to keep the salty taste of tears down. Holding his sister close like they were all about to never see one another again.

It all hurt them, but it hurt the siblings more. Because they knew, and knew how hard it really is. It isn't as simple as leaving them, it's the mental pain that forces you too not want to let go.

You grew up with them, Jane being one of the youngest of the Nelson family made Ellis protective. But Jane also being his little sister, made him twice as more protective over her.

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