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Heena's POV
"I gotta go now, mom!" I said and ate the last pieces of sandwich and took the banana milk.

"Don't run!!" My mom yelled but I ignored it. I am so late.

I run to the bus stop and look at my watch, 07.20 am. The school start at 07.30 am and I am still on the way. I have never late for school.

I take my phone but I see something weird. It is said 06.55 am on my phone's clock. Who fooled me? Who changed the time in my watch?

I drink my banana milk to calm me down. Suddenly someone tap my shoulder. I turn to the right and saw noone except the worker. There is no way the worker play with me, a high school student.

It happens again and I see the reflection from the advertisement glass. I rolled my eyes as I know who did it.

He tap my shoulder again.

"Stop joking around Oh Sehun" I said.

"Hehe..how can you know? I hide so well just now" he come out and stand beside me.

"Yeah yeah, you hide well. Nah" I give him the empty banana milk box.

"Throw it" I said. He obey and throw it.

Outside the school, he is like servant for me. I tell him to do this and that and he always obey me. Why? Because I was born earlier than him. He was in April while I was in February.

We are close because he live behind of my house. He moved 10 years ago and we become friends for 10 years now. We went to the same school and even now, we are in the same high school.

I have a secret. A really deep one. Even my bestfriend, not him, doesn't know that. The secret is... I like him. Since junior high. He never know because he is busy dating. If I count, there are more than 10 girls he have dated. Such a playboy. Now he has a girlfriend too. A goddess in our school, while me, a nerd.

I don't have courage to confess because I am afraid that it may destroy our 10 years friendship. I decided to forget the feelings. But I never can, because we are always together. I start to ignore him. Not really ignore but being cold to him.

"There it comes" he said and pull my wrist.

After paying for the bus, I ran to the only empty seat for one person. He spot me and stand in front of me while holding the handle. I put my earphone and play songs.

Suddenly he poke me and tell me to remove the earphone.

"Want to bet?" He asked.

"Bet? What?" I asked back.

"I won't hold the handle. If the bus stops and I don't fell down, you must grant my wish" he said and raised his eyebrows.

"No. I don't want" I replied.

"Come on. Nah, I don't hold it anymore" he said and really not holding the handle.

"Now, let's wait unti--" unfinished his sentence, the bus stop and he fall down sitting on the floor.

"Stupid" I said and got out from the bus.

I unplugged my earphone and going to keep it but Sehun take it from me.

"Lend me. I don't bring mine" he said and kept it in his pocket.

"Pabo, give it to me now!!" I said and tried to reach his pocket.

"No wayyy" he teased and ran to the school.

I follow him but stop no far from the school gate. His girlfriend has waited for him. I don't want to have problem with her.

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