Chapter 1

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Waking up Monday morning was something I wasn't happy about doing.

But at the age of 21 and having responsibilities I didn't have a choice. I rolled over onto Laith's chest and played with his chin hairs as he slept. I opened my eyes and studied his face.

His chocolate skin, full pink lips, and long eyelashes that covered chocolate brown eyes rested peacefully. I let my hand run down the side of his face and down his chest that was covered by the comforter.

Laithan and I had been together since our senior year in high school. We have been through so much in these past 3 years. With him losing his mom, dad, and little brother in a house fire back in senior year it was hard for him. We met in the counselors office where we had group discussion every week. I had been visiting because my mom had passed away a few weeks prior to his family's fire, in a car crash. And in that counselors office is where we connected, confided, and fell in love.

Now, it wasn't an easy process due to us both being emotionally unstable, but it worked. We helped each other through; we made each other better. We were inseparable in more ways than one and that brought along our 3 year old daughter, Layla.

She was our pride and joy. Everything we do, we do for her.

I had gotten pregnant after giving myself to Laithan the night of our senior prom. I went through alot emotionally in my pregnancy with Layla. I had considered abortion, but that didn't happen because when Laith found out he blew a roof. Even after deciding against abortion I was under a lot of stress which caused a lot of complications in my pregnancy.

Layla was born 5 weeks before she was due. She came out at a very, very fragile 3 pounds and 12 ounces. The doctor had informed us that she wouldn't be as big as other kids her age when she got older, and now that's she's three you can definitely see the difference between her and other 3 year olds. But she was my baby and I loved her with everything in me.

Letting out a long sigh, I rose up from the bed and made my way into the hallway and down to the bathroom in our 2 bedroom apartment. After doing my business I hopped in the shower for about 20 minutes then walked back into our bedroom to find Laith still asleep.

It didn't surprise me being that he worked a 12 hour shift yesterday at the Police Station. Laith had been working as a 911 operator since we had graduated high school. He usually worked 4-5 days a week and today was an off day so he was sleeping in.

After, grabbing a pair of khaki pants, a navy blue button up shirt, and all white Converse, I walked back into the bathroom to do my hair.

I took off my pink bonnet to revel my plated natural hair. I took down the braids, fluffed the hair out and gelled my edges and threw on a floral headband wrap type thing (I hope you guys understand what I'm talking about, lol).

I walked past Layla's purple door, to find her also still asleep.

Walking into the kitchen, I glanced at the clock to see that it was 7:30. I had enough time to make breakfast so I pulled out all the necessities and got to work.

About 45 minutes into cooking, I was taking the last waffle out of the waffle maker whenI felt little arms wrap around my legs.

"Mowning mommy," I looked down to see Layla with her head laying on my thigh.

"Morning baby," I picked her her and placed her on my hip. "You hungry?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2015 ⏰

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