"It's time..." Zelo said. "It's already night are sure about this Zelo?" Cheska asked. Zelo grab's Cheska's waise and looked at each others eyes "Baby, There's no more choice were already here and It's time all we need to do is to wait for him." Zelo replied.
then they kiss each other's lips, "Aaaww, that's so sweet." The both of them turned around and saw the murderer Zelo's shaking a bit Cheska went to Zelo's back Zelo suddenly grab the gun at he's pocket "You said your not scared of me, and why are you shaking right now?" The murderer asked.
"I'm not." Zelo said. "That's your girlfriend? How sweet, but not that sweet." The murderer started footing they know what will happen so they ranaway.
"Get back here!" The murderer shouted they were ranning while the murderer walked faster "Hurry Cheska." Zelo said. The murderer kept on shooting them but not yet hurt "Zelo, we need to hide." Cheska said. They rushed to the many tree's at the side.
and hide they noticed that the murderer was talking but the murderer stoped walking abd looked around around. "Stay here and stay hiden." Zelo whisppeared.
Cheska grab's Zelo's hand and pulled back "But Zelo I want to die with you." Chesk said Zelo looked at her and hold her chick with a smile "I'm sorry but, You can't die with me I want you safe, because II love you." Zelo said with a tear in he's eye.
"I love you too." Chesk cried. Then suddenly Zelo left Cheska behind and hide "Ze-"
"Make sure you stay hiden."
Cheska remembered what Zelo said. He was watching what the murderer was doing then suddenly she saw Zelo behind him. She saw Zelo pointing the gun from the murderer but the murderer turned around and pointed the gun to Zelo.
Cheska cover her mouth "You thought you can get your change." The murderer smirk Zelo was shaking he has the phobia till now.
then suddenly Cheska called YongGuk
"Hello? YongGUk oppa It's Cheska, you have to go here It's Zelo and the murderer they face each other were at the hill you guys need to go here now!" Cheska yelled.
"AH!" Cheska yelled then suddenly hangged up Zelo was hit at the side Zelo fell from he's knee's still have's the life I know it hurt's so bad but I can't let you do another murder. Zelo thought.
"Ah!" Once again the murderer hit him near at the heart it was getting worse Cheska was crying so hard she can't make a sound. she was covering her mouth and watch while the tears falling. "Zelo, you are so a fool letting your once love leave behind and be safe did you know it can end? Because I'm still alive and not hurt, so I'm going to leave you alone here and die, goodbye Zelo." The murderer walked away once he leave him there Zelo stood up and hit the murderer at the heart.
The murderer turned around and see him once more the murderer fell from he's knees and die.
Cheska left the hiding plase "ZELO!" She shouted Zelo looked at her one more time before he felt's from he's knee's.
he saw some cars and some ambulance coming then suddenly Zelo falls from he's knees "Zelo!" She shouted Cheska grab's Zelo "Zelo! Oppa! Please don't die!" Cheska begged. "Mianhae....Ches...ka..." Zelo suddenly closes he's eyes and drop he's hand while Cheska was holding.
"No, NO!" Cheska cried then the members came "Zelo!" The members shouted...They noticed that Zelo got hit two times and they also noticed that Zelo killed the murderer.

B.A.P - The Murderer
Fiksi PenggemarZelo and his hyung from B.A.P Zelo has a perfect life he was happy, rapper, dancer, talkative, and happy memories but once he came home he noticed everything was quiet he didn't saw his parents but once he heard a voice inside the cabinet and when...