Chapter 9: Are you telling or I'm I?

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(Prince POV)

  I struggled to pull Ray big tail up the stairs but manager to do so, even with the outburst of Prod even made me more quicker to get Ray up and in his bedroom.

"There you go....see were good..*sighs*....for now." I plopped on the spot right next to where I lead Ray at. He was still a little out of it and basically not right with the earth around him which made me wonder what was wrong with him again.

"Ray...Ray." I shock him and he bounced up in a state of fear and confusion. "WHAT....WHATS GOING ON." Ray said loud enough to wake up the dead.

"Nigga come yo ass down." I said trying to pipe him down so Roc and Prod won't worry and come up and see what was wrong. He sat back again and put his hand over his heart and took a deep breath before look back over at me.

"Yo man you know why Prod all of a sudden." Ray said look directly at me waiting for the answer that everybody been wondering, but sadly I didn't have the answer for it.... at the time. "Naw but I think Roc about to figure it out real soon." I said looking down. Ray sigh then pulled out his phone to probably check his text messages like always. That's when it hit me.

"Oh snap I got to call Y/N" I said going through my pockets of my sweat pants and finally feeling something smooth and slick. "Oh yo boo thang...uh." Ray said laughing and patting my on the back.

"I see somebody back to there OLD self uhh." I question looking up from my phone over at Ray with a smirk peering across my face. Ray shrugged his shoulders and began to text somebody on his all was. I returned back to my phone to only see a missed call from....Y/N.

"Aww man....I hope she at mad at me." I thought. I got up and headed towards Rays spare bedroom that was down the hall to call and talk to Y/N alone and in peace and quiet, because ray can get can I say this...Ray.

I closed the door to Ray's room and ran to the spare  bedroom door with a little creek the door open and I slowly walked in, in search of a light switch. "Ouch....damn that hurt." I said bending down and rubbing my knee. I looked back up and see the light switch and cut it on. "Finally, alright Y/ to call....please pick up..please"

I walked over with my phone in my hand with Y/N picture and number already on the screen and waiting to be press. I sat on the edge of the bed and press "Call." "Please pick up....please." I chanted in my head for over a minute before I heard the voice I've been dieing to hear for the longest.

"Hello." She sound like she just got done crying her eyes out. "Y/N what's wrong you don't sound like yourself." I said concern flashing across by face and my heart falling for what she may say.

"I'm fine just....been going though you know about my Grandma and how she's been getting sicker and the doctors say she MAY not recover and uneventfully....*sniffs*....Jacob please help." She sounded so broken, then when she said my REAL name I knew she was about to do something bad....DEADLY.

"Y/N I'll be there in 5 just.....just please promise me you WON"T do anything hear me." She sniff and said " I promise my chico, ha, I'll be here just ring the doorbell two times then I'll knew that's you, Ok?" 

I said yes and said I'll see you in a minute and hung up. I sat there for a minute thinking about how much I really want this to end for her, and for her to be safe. You see I liked Y/N for a LONG time and ever since that day I saw her at the bus stop that day. I knew she was somebody I would connect to.

"Only if" I said to myself with my head slowly raising back up, I rushed out the room and back into Ray's but....he wasn't there. "Damn where he at...I need a back up." I ran out his room and down the hallway and to the stair's, running down the stairs to see Ray and Roc standing in the kitchen talking about something that had Ray covering his mouth and Roc shaking his head.

"What's going on." I said stopping in my tracks on the last to bottom step on the stairs. They looked up back at me and motion  me in unison to come over. I slowly walked over there and stood face to face with both of them.

"Prince....Y/N in deep ass trouble man." Ray said sending chills down my back and into my hand which was now a fist from the fact that she might be in trouble, and I'm just standing here doing nothing at all. "What you mean "Y/N in trouble." I said looking Ray dead in the eyes, he looked over at Roc and nudged him to speak up.

"Huh....., Prod....wants her and he wants you....dead so you won't come in-between Him and her." Roc said looking down and shaking his head. I looked at them both and ran out the kitchen and to the bathroom to.....throw up. My body doesn't do bad news very well to deadly news that would either involve my life, my mom, or the life of my true love....Y/N. 

  Ray and Roc ran behind me and stopped at the bathroom door to see me in the toilet pucking up and screaming...."She's mine...She's mine....please she's mine...I love Y/N with ALL my damn heart man." Roc came over and patted me on the back to calm me down and Ray when to grab some towel to help clean me up. 

"It's alright man we going to get him." Roc said still patting my back. I looked up and and said. "Where he at now." I said coming up from the toilet filled with vomit and to the cold tile floor and looked up at Roc for the answer. "To Y/N house." Roc said getting up. I shot up and instantly became enraged.

"WHAT AND YOU TELL ME NOW." I yelled before running up and out the bathroom. Roc followed back and Ray came running down the stairs from my sudden out burst. "Now what is going on here." Ray said with a towel and a pack of gum in his hand. I shoot a dirty eye at Roc then looked back at Ray while wiping my mouth off with a napkin.

"Roc NOW wants to share that PROD is on his way to Y/N house." I said walking over to Ray and taking the pack of gum and putting a piece in my mouth. "And just go over there before Prod what's the really big deal." Ray said walking over to the counter turning around standing by Roc. "Yeah that's why I didn't think it was THAT big....we got time." Roc said.

"Probably because Prod on a craz frenzy right now and for all we knew he could have HEARD my convo with Y/N and she probably thinking it's me there to confront fact it's PROD, what don't ya'll get." I said with anger raising and coming over me....I guess this is how Prod feels.

"Then lets go." Roc said grabbing the keys and heading out the door.

We about to turn some shit up.

(Prod POV)

     I'm actually NOT on my way to Y/N house she's not really my number one thing on my list....this is all a plan to get at Prince, that Roc arranged and I'm his cover up person because Roc TRULY wants Y/N. He's the one that told me to sent the messages, to steal Ray phone so he won't call her, and to just make him her number one boy. Rather then prince...... and Ray............. You have Ray not in on the plan but he knows something's up but doesn't want to seem like a.... snitch.

So I'm actually not supposed to go to her house anyway I'm going to prince house just going to chill there till yours truly arrives batter and beating....revenge is a bitch you know.

And the only way to get back is to sit back and see your plan unwrap before your eyes....Ha....dumbass didn't even see it coming.


Or is this just the beginning of What's happening.

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