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I woke up early for once in my life. Well, as early as one can get when working at a strip club. Yes, I work at a strip club Monday nights through Saturday nights. Im off on Sunday nights because that is supposed to be the day of the lord. I am a priest on Sunday and a stripper the rest of the week.

Did I also mention Im gay?

Yes. Surely if my congregation found out about my sins then I would be dealing with the wrath of God himself. That is why no one knows about my secret. I intend to keep it that way until death do me part.

I looked at the clock on my bedside table and saw that I had another 20 minutes until I actually needed to go to work. I layed in bed thinking how ironic life can turn out to be sometimes. Who knows what life will throw at you?

I get up and get dressed and eat some breakfast. Only God knows how many hot bodies I will be showing off for tonight. I put my dishes in the sink, grab my jacket and walk out the door of my apartment.

By the time I get to the club and get to the dressing rooms, the club is already full. I will admit, if I was as straight as a line, there would be some pretty hot chicks here. But, seeing as how im as gay as a circle, all I can see are the dudes.

One in particular stands out among the rest.

He was here alone and sitting in the back. He had beautiful light skin and had soft brown eyes. The way the lighting was flashing around him made him look like a god in my eyes and my eyes alone. All the women and men would shoot him death glares and he would shoot them right back. One of my co-workers shoved me onto stage, signaling that it was time to go on.

The entire time my gaze would bounce bewteen people, but they mainly kept coming back to the stranger. After the show was over I went to go change and stayed after a while, like I usually do. I sat down at a table when a pair of hands covered my eyes.

"Guess who!"

"Hmmm is it .... Wilson?" I waited to hear there reaction and heard them gag.

"Strike one. Try again Dimmesdale!"

"Is it ... Pearl?" I grinned as I waited for there reaction to that answer.

"What kind of parent do you think I am? Letting my daughter in here at the age of 3!" I chuckled while she cursed under her breath, realizing that she had given away her answer.

"Gotcha Hester!" I turned around and pulled her onto my lap. She started to laugh and then was all serious, as if she had come here to tell,me something important.

"You know. If you keep oogling that man over there, you just might have a heart attack." She grinned as she looked over to a man. Which happened to not be the one I was "oogling" at all.

"I wasnt looking at him," I say as I turn her head to the strangers direction. "I was looking at HIM."

"You mean the one thats disfigured? Over there in the corner? All by himself?" She just kept popping off question after question, like her usual self.

"Yes Hester. Him." I looked over at him again and he was looking at me. I blushed and looked down at the same time that Hester got up and started to walk over to him.

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