Bleeding alcohol

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It started in grade six. She was happy. She loved going to school and seeing all her friends. She loved lunch time and being outside with everybody. She just loved life. She was happy. one day she posted a picture. Later that day she got a text from an unknown number calling her ugly, fat, a slut and a whore. She barley knew what any of this meant; she was only in the sixth grade. She brushed it off not thinking much of it. The next day at school, no one talked to her. She got ignored. No one sat with her, near her, or around her. She went home sobbing. She didnt know what was going on. Months went by and she got bullied more and more. She never understood why. Eventually, the school year ended and she went to visit her dad during the summer. While she was there, he molested her. She never told a single soul. She promised him she wouldn't. 7th grade passed with lots of bullying and cutting. Until 8th grade when she finally got a boyfriend. She thought she loved him. She thought he loved her. I guess love blinds you because 5 months in she found him with someone else. She was completely heart broken. She didnt know what to do. Her depression got worse, she started cutting more often, she started doing drugs. She liked the feeling. Sh could get away. Smoking became a regular thing. In her soft more year, her family moved to California. She thought it would be a time to start over. She was excited. The second she stepped foot in that place, she got disappointed. The bullying only got worse. By the end of her soft more year, she was doing all kinds of drugs, drinking alcohol, and cutting , a lot. The summer from 10th-11th grade she met a boy named Niall. He fell in love with her. He wanted her, but she didnt. She didnt want any guy. She didnt trust anyone. After months of trying to get her, She finally said yes. They were not only lovers but best friends. After Niall, the bullying got better. Not a lot of people talked to them. She wasn't noticed, until senior year. She was at a party; She took a drink from a random and the next morning she was in the bed of a stranger. She had gotten raped. Niall found her in her room, crying and cutting. He was the only thing that stopped her from ending her life. He saved her. Two months before they graduated, her dad came back. He beat her. A lot. She just couldn't handle it anymore and finally ended her life, not knowing but doing so, it took the life of her soon to be husband also.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2013 ⏰

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