Untitled Part 2

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You get your Hogwarts Letter

Getting your Hogwarts letter (Your 11 and he's 13) Harrys: I was up over at the widow as and owl try's to fly in. I was stay at the Weasley's house this summer with my bother Harry Potter(Yes I know Harry is sopost to be the only child but please go along with it) I open the window careful not to wake up Ginny and Hermione, I take the letter from the owl and smiled it said 'to the girl spending her summer at the Weasley's' and I already know who it was from Ron: I got up this morning I got up early to see all my sidling's up and mum had a big breakfast made "Happy birthday (Y/N)!" The hole family said I came down, I smiled and thanked them all and sat down and all had a good breakfast. Later that day I was waiting for my owl nervously, I was the youngest of the Weasleys so it was hard waiting, finally my owl came with the Hogwarts stamp on it and it said 'To the girl who's family cares for her' (Idea for Hermione's goes to Thåt øñé Bådåss Fåndøm thank you!) Hermione: I lay in my room in the muggle world. I was tired of being stuck here, do get me wrong I love my parents but this life was boring. My sitter told me about the wizarding world and sense she was a wizard I had a chance to. I had just turned 11 to day and I was waiting for my letter. My letter finally came and I know who it was from because it came by owl and it said 'Ti the muggle girl who is waiting'

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