Chapter 1| it wasnt a happy ending

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Brooke's POV: Just my luck. I forgot to message them, call them, text them, heck, I don't even know their phone numbers! I looked down at my phone to see an old picture. A group shot. The teen titans. Those days feel like just yesterday, you know,when the team was still a thing. The good old memories were soon to flood back... Back at the tower tonight, at the 20 year titan anniversary. All the honorary titans, titans east, west, the main titans, everyone, back to brag about their great lives. I'm the queen of pluto, and they've got better things to show! I mean, I guess I'll have to put up with it...

Huuuuuuh-phoo.... I took a deep breath in and looked at the mirrors. I wasn't what I used to be. I looked down at my shimmery white party dress, then at the doors. Once I exit these wooden gates to the real world, my fantasy will become a nightmare. Well, here goes nothing.

"Welcome to the Titans Tower, invitation please" a man stood at the entryway, wearing a nice grey suit to match his wooly hair. I handed the man a golden slip of paper, and he lead me in to the main room. It was decorated with shiny trophies, some party streamers, dangling from the ceiling like dead bodies, and pictures, plastered on the walls. I saw faces, familiar ones and ones I forgot about, all staring at me, wide eyes that seemed to tell thousands of stories. They just looked as I walked in fear, a tacky yet nervous smile plastered on my face. Just then, a fleet of girls came and trapped me in a group hug. I looked at the faces. Kiran, AKA Skye, the dragon girl, Wolfin, the name explains it, and Kree, she's sort of a vampire without all the evil voodo, but all the goth stuff remains. My old best friends... Tonight was going to be long....

"OOH! OOH! Then, we stopped the criminals and saved the day!" Wolfin continued,and as beast boy (she sorta has a crush) walked by, she blew a kiss. I rolled my eyes slightly, a bit jealous that she had a relationship sort of thing. I watched everyone mingle, the hundreds in clumps of people, just wanting to get home. BRING! BRRRING! It was a crime alert! A voice chirped up from the crowds from the area around the computer screen. It was nightwing. "Looks like we're headed to Gotham..."

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