Chapter 4| Lets do this thing

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Brooke's POV: I felt woozy as usual waking up the next morning, but something was different. I looked above me and saw I was at the bottom of a pile. Kole and Jason were both piled on top of my bed, while Skye was in the other, peacefully sleeping. She must have snored fire again, I know how it is, still I found this Uncomfortable so I tried to shake myself out. Waking the others on me, kole instantly jumped off of me. On the other hand, jason just sat there, smirking down on me. He made me SOOOO mad I could just--- never mind..... I could just splash him. So I did, and he ran off, laughing at me as he ran out of the room, still in his underwear. I swear he's up to something. And of corse, ten seconds later, I get a phone call from KF saying that Jason snuck in to their room through the window... Well at least it's time for the mission to actually start.

Creeeeeak, creeeak, snap! It was just like being a kid again, sneaking through the old abandoned forest, the twigs snapping like fingers under our feet. Nightwing and KF had sent us out to find where the heroes were being held captive, and since Jason was the only one who knew where to go, he lead our little team. I saw Wolfin running up to me, a small giggle coming out of her big mouth.
"Pssst! Hey Brooke, Skye sent me the picture"
"What picture?"
"You know, the one of you and jason, him on top of you"
"She did WHAT!?"
How could she? I should have known! "He's kinda cute, you guys look good-" Wolfin started but I interrupted her "I'm NEVER going to like him!" Why did everyone think we were a thing? Ugh, at least now we were at our location. Jason started to talk. "Look, we're going to split up. Since brooke and I sort of know the inside, we'll go together. Kole, you're with Wolfin. Skye, you'll be with-" and just like that, a yellow and red blur appeared. "Me! The fastest man alive!"
Sometimes I swear the world is out to get me, teaming me with Todd. At least we wouldn't have to talk much...

"Hey gauuuuurds! Look at me! Oh no! I'm trying to annoy you! What you gonna do about it?" We could hear wally in the distance, making faces at the security as usual. As he did so, jason and I crept in through the window, hing and wishing that no one would notice. We made it in successfully and heard shouting.
"LET US OUT!" A deep voice hollered. I'd recognize that voice anywhere. The green arrow, one of my favourite heroes when I was learning about earth. He was always so cool, and it seemed he could get out of anything, but I guess not today. Jason turned towards me, whispering in my ear.
"Look, I say we wait about 20 more minutes on the roof. It'll be midnight. Most guards will be alseep, if we can creep in quiet enough, then bam, break at least one  out to help us free the others. Besides, the time we will wait can give us time to get to know eachother."

Even though he had a helmet on so I couldn't see his expression, I knew under all that metal, he was smirking right at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2015 ⏰

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